Write a Kill The Music guest post!
Always dreamed of writing for a music blog? Now’s your chance! Use this form to submit a post for Kill The Music. Couple of guidelines and caveats:
1. If we publish your post, you will be credited by name and a link (if you provide one). Please also include an e-mail address, in case we need to contact you (your email will not be posted).
2. Try to keep it brief, unless the topic absolutely demands more length.
3. You’ve probably already noticed that it’s impossible to submit audio posts: don’t worry about it. We’ll sort out the audio, you just take care of the words.
4. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee your submission will be posted. Ultimately, though, if your post is good enough, we’ll publish it.
5. If we publish your post, we may make some minor edits to it; grammar and punctuation.
6. And finally: we don’t pay for posts, though we do put your words in front of rabid music fans.
That’s all you need to know! What are you waiting for?