Two brothers, four friends, and one family. Jadewick was created out of the ashes of bands such as Adaje, Greyscale, and Pillowtalk. Taking a love from a long list of artists and bands, Jadewick seamlessly interweaves genres and sounds to constantly keep you wondering what’s next. Melodic, driving, ambient, and ever-changing, Jadewick is sure to hit you with a note that will stay ringing in your ears.
Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.
Zohayr Shirazee: Vocals, Guitar
Chance Clement: Guitar, Keys
Barrett Kutas: Bass
Sameer Shirazee: Drums, Vocals
For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to Jadewick? How long has the band been around?
Zohayr: The 4 of us were in a band called GRYSCL (greyscale) from 2012-2016. Similar roles except I just played guitar and Chance did standalone vocals. Prior to that, Sameer and I played in a band called Adaje from 2006-2012. Barrett played in Pillow Talk, and Chance was part of a band called Close to Me for a short period. Jadewick started the year GRYSCL ended in late 2016. We’ve been at it for a couple of years now.
Sameer: We all played in a band called Greyscale from 2012-2016. Before that Zo and I were in a band called Adams from 2006-2012. Jadewick was a sort of rebirth of our musical time together, we’ve been together since 2016.
Barrett: Pillowtalk, greyscale (GRYSCL)
What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?
Zohayr: Depending on who you ask, Jadewick is basically GRYSCL with us in different roles, even though the sound has progressively changed and progressed further than GRYSCL ever could due to the ceiling of being in a “screamo” band. The name Jadewick bears no real meaning honestly. We were going through band names which if you are in a new band can be an excruciating task. I texted everyone one day and was like “Jadewick?” not even expecting anything, and everyone dug it, so we ran with it. Anticlimactic i know.
Chance: If memory serves me right we just kept sending names to each other in a group chat until something stuck. So came out of left field with Jadewick. I thought it sounded cool and was hoping to be the topic of some John Wick Sister Fan Fiction.
Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?
Zohayr: I’ve written all the lyrics since we started. The themes vary between song to song. We’ve been a band of singles up until recently. No real focus on any one theme. All my lyrics come from the same place. Acknowledgement of the shit show that is the world we live in, and how it affects the ones we love and our ability to love and try, despite all signs, to attain something better for ourselves. However our latest release entitled “My Love, My Love” has a central theme centered around loss, religion, and mortality. It’s really our first attempt at writing a completely cohesive release that consists of more than 2 songs. The 4 of us dealt with some familial losses leading up to the release of that record, so we were all able to get behind each other and create something great out of it, and it felt incredible.
Chance: Zo has written the lyrics to all the songs thus far. The topics differ from some to song for the most part. I think the best part of any songwriting is the ability to adapt and change over time. I don’t see us writing the same song over and over.
Sameer: Lyrically, Zo writes them, though we have a very open writing process. I’d like to think that through conversations brought up by Zo’s lyrics we all get our 2 cents in and sometimes it changes the direction. We’re currently in a moment with this record where it’s a reflection on loss. We all have had a pretty rough year and a half and this record really showcases those emotions; the things that we hold onto through these traumas, and how we can find a way to cope and push through. I do think the subject matter will change, but I think this was a very necessary step in a new direction.
Barrett: Zo writes the lyrics, as far as topics or themes, I think he/we try to have human emotions and topics and feelings addressed. Mortality, faith, love, loss, the same things that have puzzled humanity since the beginning,
What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?
Zohayr: Currently, The National has been all over my playlists, as well as Frightened Rabbit. Both of those bands have really been resonating with me a lot lately, especially lyrically. One of the biggest influences on our band in general is Wu Lyf. Not only because of their sound, which you can definitely hear sprinkled throughout a few of our songs, but because of their ethos. They were uncompromising with their vision and brought a new meaning to the term DIY for us. They put out one record and it is raw, powerful, and almost ethereal in their sound. We try to apply the same level of love and care into what we do. Brb, gonna go listen to that record again.
Chance: I’m inspired by so many bands constantly. I never want to imitate any of the bands I’m inspired by but I love to learn about they way they write and function as a whole. From writing to artwork to daily routines. With that being said my shortlist would be The National, Local Natives, Foals, Wu Lyf, and this band I’ve recently become obsessed with Palace.
Sameer: For me currently it’s a toss up between The National and Orchards. They both insert some crazy ideas without drawing attention to them unless you’re listening for it and I find that super interesting.
Barrett: Personally I mostly listen to MF Doom, Frank Ocean, Bon Iver, Pedro the Lion, Colour Revolt, and These Arms Are Snakes.
Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?
Zohayr: playing music and shows and everything that comes with being in a band is something i’ve wanted since i was 13. I’m 29 going on 30 now and it’s still the one thing that i love, and truthfully, become the only thing that I am decent at haha. I wouldn’t say there was one definitive concert that set me on this path, but my first real show was Less than Jake and that was pretty tight. I was a huge ska and pop punk nerd growing up and I wear that badge proudly.
Chance: I’ve always enjoyed music but never joined or started any bands. I have gone to shows and concerts as far back as I can remember.
Sameer: honestly no. I think once I started playing music with Zo, I just knew we’d never stop. Maybe Blink 182 but only because that was the first band that I ever cared about they’re whole discography, influence, and culture. But I was also 8, so who knows.
Barrett: I saw School of Rock right around the time I first started playing music so that made me want to start a band.
What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect.
Zohayr: Load up on water and vocal warm ups, always.
Chance: Nothing as productive as that. I usually have a drink to ease my stage fright.
Sameer: Now that I’m at the ripe age of 25, I like to get some good leg stretches in before a set. Maybe 45 mins before we play, I’ll stretch for a solid 10, drink a healthy amount of room temp water without chugging it, and then also some vocal warm ups
Barrett: I drink a big bottle of water
What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?
Zohayr: We’ve gotten to share the stage with Circa Survive a couple of times now and that has been incredible. Those guys are so inspiring and have been a big part of my life for so long, so gaining their acknowledgement of what we do was a really special thing. Honestly another highlight is where we are at right now with our shows. We’ve been playing songs off of “My Love, My Love” a lot lately, and it’s our strongest release (in my opinion) to date, and i think we feel super confident about what we are trying to say with our music and the feelings we want to convey. I feel us figuring out our identity and it is so exciting and reminds me what can be so endearing about sharing songs that you can truly stand behind with people.
Chance: The fruition of My Love My Love. From writing songs, scrapping songs, and totally rewriting songs it was an amazing journey. Deciding to self record it was a huge mile marker to me. Around that time I think we all started taking in additional things to make it happen all by ourselves. From the art, the the videos, the recording and every little thing that goes into getting a record out into the world. It was reinvigorating and only pushed me into being ready to do it again.
Sameer: I think the biggest highlight is every time the 4 of us meet up. There’s an energy being tapped into that is hard to put into words. But in the realm of check marks, we have opened for Circa Survive twice, and I think that’s pretty cool haha.
Barrett: Playing with Circa twice now has been pretty dang cool. Also just being able to go on tour and have fun and have people be inviting and open to listen to us is great. I think anyone would be lucky to have that.
If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?
Zohayr: Foals. Because Foals.
Chance: For me. Van Halen. Hands down. Best of Both Worlds Tour.
Sameer: presently, I’d love to tour with Foxing because those are some of the raddest dudes. But I would also eventually love to tour with the Killers. Have you seen them live?? Good god. But on the real, touring with other bands is always a great time. I could tour with Jr. Clooney until I’m 70.
Barrett: These Arms Are Snakes, because I never got to see them play and that’s my favorite band.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Zohayr: Never compromise on what you love. Also come see us on tour in a couple weeks east coast! Dates below:
7/5- Chattanooga, TN @ JJ’s Bohemia
7/6- Raleigh, NC @ Schoolkids Records
7/8- Philadelphia, PA @ Truck
7/9- Baltimore, MD @ The Undercroft
7/10- Roanoke, VA @ The Coal Chute
Sameer: My Love, My Love is a very special record and I hope you enjoy and share it with people you love. There’s not a lot of time on this planet, so make sure you spend your time with people you actually care about and love. Thanks.
Barrett: These Arms Are Snakes, please play a show again so I can see you play.