From pumping iron to blasting foes in online games, there isn't much that can't be vastly improved by having an awesome soundtrack. From getting you further into the zone and helping you concentrate to making whatever mundane activity you might be doing become somewhat enjoyable, music can help boost all sorts of different activities that most of us do all the time.
Music has long been used to better various different activities, even some of the most humdrum pursuits can be made at the very least entertaining and enjoyable with the right soundtrack. We would argue that no music genres are better suited to this than metal and rock, with high-intensity adrenaline-pumping tracks, sing-along anthems that can help take your mind off a boring activity and a huge collection of great music to draw on. This article will look at, in no particular order, what we consider some of the best activities that can be vastly improved by pumping some music while you do them.
Pumping iron
We feel we barely need to mention this one, what could be more iconic than slamming a workout while blasting rock or metal? Having the driving beats of a classic rock track behind your workout might be just what you need to push that extra rep or two, and there are plenty of songs about overcoming adversity and being the best to inspire you as well.
Tracks like "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor are perfect examples of rock anthems that are all about pushing it to the limit. A more recent popular option would be something like Mick Gordon's soundtrack to the game Doom (2016), if hearing "BFG Division" doesn't hype you up, we aren't sure what will.
We already mentioned the soundtrack of a video game above, that's how integral music is to gaming. Music's ability to help us get in the zone and really exploit a nice flow state is something that works perfectly with online gaming. It doesn't matter if you're blasting people in an FPS (first-person shooter) game, or playing at an online casino, the right music will help.
While at physical casinos they typically play soft jazz or background music that attempts not to detract from the sounds of the casino floor, when you play online, you can set the soundtrack however you like. This means that you could be blasting "Ace of Spades" while enjoying slots and table games for Ontario players at an online casino, letting Motörhead focus your mind on the action. Of course, physical casinos might have hit the nail on the head with softer music that lets you focus without being distracting, but there's plenty of softer rock that can fulfil that role.
For other more intensive sorts of games, like FPS' or racing games, you probably want something with a bit more oomph to it that will help you get pumped up. We know we already mentioned him, but we like his music so much we're going to mention him again, Mick Gordon's awesome score to the most recent Doom games is a perfect example of this. It perfectly suits the vibe of the game and elevates the gameplay far above what it would be without it, just as any good soundtrack should.
Long drives
This is another classic example, a long stretch of highway is far improved by some sweet tunes blasting out of the speakers. There is even a whole swathe of rock and metal songs specifically written about driving and travel. AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" springs to mind, a great track for when you're on your way somewhere you aren't thrilled to go, or if it's the deep sweltering depths of summer.
Good road songs can vary between somewhat ironic and entertaining songs and songs that will keep your energy up and keep you awake as you finish that last bit of late driving to reach your destination. A good example of this is Sum 41's "Fat Lip", with its driving rhythm, the perfect song to finish a drive.
Music powered chores
Everyone's gotta do them, and most of us hate them, chores. Thankfully we don't have to do them in complete silence with nothing but the squeak of the squeegee to keep us company. Having a kickass song blaring while you do chores can both help to entertain you and drive you to pump through the chores faster and with more enthusiasm. Jamming around the house while you vacuum is the perfect way to keep the activity from becoming too boring or humdrum. Even something as simple as folding laundry stops being so boring when you belt out some vocals alongside Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden.
Being creative
This is an interesting one, but many people find that listening to the right sort of music can push their creative buttons. Depending on the medium of your creativity, different types of metal and rock are likely to be useful. Activities like painting or writing are likely to be improved with softer and more melodic rock with clever lyrics, whereas if you are sculpting or doing something creative but more physically demanding, something a bit faster might be best.
Many people find that progressive metal groups like Tool are perfect for getting their creative juices flowing. With complicated instrumental arrangements and opaque lyrics, this type of rock is great for promoting innovative and original thinking.
Whatever you might be getting up to, if you enjoy rock or metal, there are bound to be some tracks that can improve it. Regardless of whether you're smashing out a workout, putting in those miles, getting those creative juices flowing or getting in the zone for some gaming, music can make it better. Always keep on the lookout for opportunities to let music enrich your life.