The Callous Daoboys have announced a new album titled “I Don’t Want To See You In Heaven.” The effort will be released on May 16 and a video for its first two singles, “Two-Headed Trout” and “The Demon Of Unreality Limping Like A Dog,” can be seen below. Frontman Carson Pace commented on the songs:
“We would like to proudly present our first preview of ‘I Don’t Want To See You In Heaven’ collection, ahead of its full release. These two pieces do not represent a thesis or mission statement of the collection, but rather two extremities. If you’re a fan of us being a rock band, I have good news for you. If you’re a fan of us being a chaotic metalcore band, I have great news for you. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Enjoy.”
He also added the following about the album:
“The album is an artefact that’s been preserved, and hundreds of years in the future, you’re listening to this album in the museum. It’s a known failure, but the narrative is, ‘If it survives forever, is it truly a failure?’
Everything is very singular and personal. I’m not making an album commenting on anything societal or political this time, this is an album just for me. It’s every emotion I’ve felt and sobering thought since 2021. I can only make this album now, not in three years when I’m 30, not 10 years ago when I was 17. This is the snapshot of 24-27. A scrapbook of trial and error, or better yet, a Museum of Failure.”
“I Don’t Want To See You In Heaven” Track Listing:
01. “I. Collection Of Forgotten Dreams”
02. “Schizophrenia Legacy”
03. “Full Moon Guidance”
04. “Two-Headed Trout”
05. “Tears On Lambo Leather” (feat. Orthodox)
06. “Lemon”
07. “Body Horror For Birds” (feat. 1st VOWS)
08. “The Demon Of Unreality Limping Like A Dog”
09. “Idiot Temptation Force”
10. “Douchebag Safari”
11. “Distracted By The Mona Lisa”
12. “II. Opt Out”
13. “III. Country Song In Reverse” (feat. low before the breeze)