Filter have shared an official video for their new track “Murica.” You can check that out below:
Richard Patrick told Alternative Press the following:
“The ultimate sin of the entire thing is that it’s poor people versus poor people. If Americans actually learned the real truth of what was going on with their finances, with everything that’s going on in the world, rich people have a stranglehold on them. It’s outlets like Fox News and Breitbart and the Mercer family.
It’s rich people that are keeping us at each other’s throats so that we don’t fucking see what they’re doing with their finances.
And it’s so obvious. Trump is just playing along in the game. He’s not rich. He’s not seriously wealthy. Like [2.5] billion wealthy. You know, he’s sleazy. He’s a bottom dweller, just like the rest of us.
It’s the people that are super-insanely wealthy that are really fucking controlling us. For the last four years, the right has owned the government. They’ve loosened up their taxes. They can pollute more. And they’ve got the right mad at the left. And it keeps us all occupied.”
He also added:
“The character in the video is a Trump-supporting, gun-loving, unmedicated, super-freak ’merican unhinged and at his wits’ end. And he’s trying to take control of something that is not out of control. And he’s afraid. He’s the super-afraid white male. The Trump-supporting nutbag that I hope I can reach.
These guys that are so far right that they think CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC [and] BBC are all out to get our President Trump. Like they’re all in a conspiracy to be super-left-wing, crazy liars. I’m trying to make an attempt to show them what they look like.
These are the guys that can only listen to Fox News and Breitbart and that type of news outlet. They believe every fucking thing that the Rush Limbaugh’s, the Alex Jones’ [say] and listen to only the right wing, ‘the truth, man.’
They ‘do their own research’ and believe 9/11 was an inside job, President Obama wasn’t a real citizen and the lunar landings were faked. Hillary Clinton personally went out and killed people in Benghazi and it’s her fault, she’s [a] criminal and ‘lock her up.’ It’s those people that I’m portraying in the video.
Who is the character aiming at at the end of the video? He’s aiming at anyone from the left and at anyone from the normal middle. The regular folks who make up the country that are pretty much normal and just want to raise their kids and stay COVID-19-free and try and make a living.”