Fake Figures (Atreyu, Scars Of Tomorrow, etc.) have shared a new track called “Miasmatic.” That song will appear on their new EP “From Within,” which will be available on September 29. Vocalist Steve Ludwig (ex-Nation’s Afire) commented:
“In this world, we have two choices; Stand up and rise above, or breathe the noxious gas that is being stuffed down our throats every day. From big corporate media to negative social media outlets, there are simply too many negatives and not enough positives for me today. For me, the song [‘Miasmatic‘] represents a relationship I’ve had with music all my life. I’ve usually been in a position where people heavily produce what I’ve written from home and from the heart. Where people have always told me how to write, and how to sing, and ultimately curbed my creativity.
I sincerely hope to do the old songs justice, but I hope you dig the new jams. I think of these songs as my therapy, and I hope the listener can relate to what I’m putting out there into the world. Thanks for checking it out.”