EYE AM (Crowbar, ex-Type O Negative, etc.) have announced a new single titled “Cryptomnesia.” The track will be available on November 24 and those that pre-order it will be entered for a chance to meet the band and get their name in the credits of their debut album. Guitarist/vocalist Kenny Hickey said the following:
“As a musician, it’s often difficult to listen to a song just for the enjoyment of it once it’s been completed primarily because of the many hours of work and concentration that go into it and the repetitive nature of the recording process in general. But, when I sit back and listen to ‘Cryptomnesia‘ all that seems to melt away and I fall in love with it again. The song is more of an experience rather than just another tune to fill in some time while you’re on your way here or there.”
Andrew Spaulding of Corpse Paint Records also commented:
“I’m really excited for the fans to get a chance to hear a more developed version of EYE AM. This song Kenny had the true universal connection to creativity. I picked him up from the airport before the recording session started. We got back to where we were staying, and within 30 minutes he wrote the opening riff and melody to the song; it just poured out of him. I think it’s some of the best stuff he’s ever done in his whole entire career. Once Kenny took his new creation to the studio, he sat down with Kirk and the magic happened again. After the two developed the song, Todd and Johnny joined in and collectively as a band, arranged it. You could tell the guys are creating a sound, not just playing notes.”