Josh Gad recently broke out into the spotlight as the voice of adorable, lovable snowman "Olaf" in the hit Disney movie Frozen. Now, he has taken on another role as another well known Disney sidekick...
Le Fou- Gaston's loyal pal. Gad will portray Le Fou alongside Luke Evans (Dracula Untold) as "Gaston" in the live action remake Beauty & The Beast. Also cast are the beautiful Emma Watson as "Belle" and Matthew Crawley himself, Dan Stevens, as "The Beast". And also rumored to be cast are Emma Thompson as "Mrs. Potts" and Timothy Spall as Belle's father "Maurice". Let's hope it's true so we can see a convergence of Harry Potter and Disney (prepare for the explosion of fan girls' heads)!
Beauty & The Beast is expected to be released in 2016.