Bayside will be releasing a new EP, titled “The Red EP,” on October 19. Anthony Raneri said the following about that:
“We’ve been writing and releasing songs as we are inspired to lately. That’s the plan for us for now as opposed to having to fill a quota of songs for a full length. We don’t want to abandon the idea of songs as a collection all together so we decided to release each record session as an EP. ‘The Red EP’ is a collection from the first round of recordings we did for this project”
You can check out the effort's first single, “Good Advice,” below. Raneri added the following about that:
“I wanted to write a straight forward, Classic sing along banger. Fast, fun and catchy without being overthought. I came in with a pretty simple idea and the band helped dress it up and make it exciting. As for the lyrics, I had this idea that maybe when you die you wind up in this office setting. Like a waiting room. And there are these employees trying to figure out where your paperwork is to figure out where you’re supposed to get transferred.”