The company is set to show off a slimmer, less-expensive version of its current PlayStation 4 console and an upgraded 4K-capable console at an event in New York, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Sony dropped a bombshell at their E3 conference when they announced Final Fantasy 7 is coming to PS4. To be clear, this isn't a remaster. This is different. They're not taking a PS3 game and upping the resolution. It's completely remaking a game from almost 20 years ago. RPG's have been waiting for this since before time began. You can view the trailer below
The 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (aka E3) kicks off in less than two weeks. We'll be posting our predictions soon. For now, you can check out the schedule for the conferences below. Let's hear your predictions; will Bethesda finally announce Fallout 4?
Sony has released $160 64 GB SD cards marketed for 'Premium Sound', claiming it will produce 'less electrical noise'. Storage media can not change sound quality, but people are spending over $100 more to buy it. Sony doesn't even know if people will buy it: “We aren’t that sure about the product’s potential demand, but we thought some among people who are committed to great sound quality would want it,” a Sony spokeswoman said.
Playstation Now will offer a subscription service with varying options.
Starting January 13, PS4 owners in North America will be able to sign up for a PS Now subscription at $19.99 for one month or $44.99 for three months (A seven-day trial is available for new subscribers as well).
Capping off a long day of conferences and reveals, it was now Sony's turn to show off the big guns. Sony had quite a successful year following the announcement of the PS4, leading in next-gen system sales and becoming the top dog of the Big Three. During their two hour event, the company showed not only what's in store for the Playstation brand but why you should be excited for the future.
It's hard to be a gamer and not see the people around me bickering over gaming systems and developers. Everywhere I look on the internet, it seems that gamers are too busy arguing like children over which console is better to actually have the time to use the console they seem to pray to. It's almost impressive to see how little most of these console fanboys know about their own beloved product, randomly spewing out facts they know little nothing about. On top of that, it is beyond me why gamers would argue over gaming rather than enjoy it together as a community. I remember in 7th grade when I would get in console arguments. Of course I didn't know any better, being about 13, but to see two grown men arguing between next gen consoles makes me sad not only for the faith in humanity, but for the future of gaming.
It's a bit unfair to only pick on consumers in this "War" with no purpose. With all of these companies recently doing unbelievably stupid things, it makes me frown and wonder what goes through CEO's heads. Between EA, Microsoft, and Machinima all paying people off to support the Xbox One, developers forcing consumers to always be connected to the internet to play single player games, micro transactions for necessary content, the failure of the Xbox One announcement, the Playstation Move (a bandwagon jump-in for motion gaming)... It's hard to say I'm proud to be a gamer with my brethren yelling at each other next to me like livid animals, all the while the companies making my games and consoles trying to screw me over.
But don't worry, dear readers. All is not lost. There are bunkers in the gaming war zone, those bunkers being mobile gaming, PC gaming, Nintendo gaming, and smartphone gaming. Yes, I'm aware there is still a console feud within mobile gaming devices, but it's way more civil and way less frequent than the big consoles. Yes, I know there are many people who post "PC Master Race" jokes on Reddit and Facebook. Yes, I am aware Nintendo is a big time gaming company, but these Console War soldiers simply laugh and scoff at the idea of Nintendo, even though that company revolutionized gaming more than any other gaming company still out there. And finally, yes, I know many don't even consider smartphone gaming to be "real" gaming, but this is a new avenue for game developers, especially for people getting into the industry fresh and new. All of these little things are still ways to get away from the heated and vicious "Console War."
Gamers, please. I know you have it in you, all of you. You guys need to cease fire for a second and think about what you're really doing. I dream of a day Halo players will stand side by side with Uncharted players in a fight not against each other, but against the real enemy. Soccer moms, the Chinese and Australian government, and everyone else who hates the joyous and awesome gift of video games. When we unite, then it will be impossible for developers and big companies to screw us over, as WE will control how we play, not them.
Call a truce. Let us hold our controllers, mice, smartphones, and portables in the air. Unite as the group of zombie slaying, grenade throwing, coin collecting, XP farming, car racing, and barrel jumping gamers we are.
Playstation Now is the newest project Sony's revealed for us. It's a streaming service for games, similar to Netflix's streaming service for movies and TV shows. At CES, Sony was giving a first-hand look at PS3 games such as God of War: Ascension, and The Last of Us all on Playstation now.
Through PS Now it's possible to stream PS3 games through different Sony products such as the PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Sony’s BRAVIA TVs, Sony smartphones, and tablets. Using the Cloud, you will be able to save your game on one product, and continue on another. Like moving from the tablet to the Vita. The service isn't fully functional yet, and will be in Beta by the end of January. Sony say they will offer it as a subscription.
Playstation Now is scheduled to be fully released in the Summer
IGN is reporting that Sony is set to release a PlayStation 4 bundle that’ll include a game and extra accessories for the same price the Xbox One will retail at in Europe.
Though the bundle hasn’t been officially announced, that ever-trusty bastion of leaks Amazon France has revealed it’ll include a copy of Killzone: Shadow Fall, the PlayStation 4 Camera and two DualShock 4 controllers. All this in addition to a Jet Black 500GB PlayStation 4 console.