Chris Hornbrook from Poison The Well has shared his Top Albums of 2022 with us. Check out his list below!
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Chris Hornbrook from Poison The Well has shared his Top Albums of 2022 with us. Check out his list below!
Greg Puciato’s new album Mirrorcell comes out today and we asked drummer Chris Hornbrook to tell us about each track. Check out his commentary on the album below!
Poison The Well’s highly influential debut album, The Opposite of December turns 20 this year and we have commentary on the album from drummer Chris Hornbrook. Enjoy the read and let us know your thoughts on The Opposite of December twenty years later.
Drummer Chris Hornbrook has announced his departure from Senses Fail
Chris Hornbrook is currently on the road with Senses Fail. He took some time to write a guest blog for us about his diversity and drive as well as the struggle keeping a career as an active musician.