Holy Fawn’s “Realms” To Be Released On Vinyl In October
Holy Fawn’s “Realms” is set to receive a vinyl release on October 20. Pre-orders are available HERE. Ryan Osterman commented:
“Realms was a project that was created in my old apartment that was just a happy mistake if I’m being honest. Personally, I just wanted to record some new ideas as I felt a bit creatively stifled. I didn’t have a name or any sort of plan, just recording music that really resonated with me.
We figured we needed some sort of name as it was manifesting quicker than any of us expected. We landed on Holy Fawn and just decided to go wherever that would take us. We played basically anything that was thrown at us, house shows, DIY tours, just any opportunity to perform. It just felt really different from any of our other musical experiences we had to that point.
We would just play completely in the dark besides some random laser lights and the reaction was really pure after each show. It felt that people were enjoying it, especially in the post rock/atmospheric community but it pretty much fell completely under the radar as a whole. We loved what we were doing and just wanted to share it with as many people as possible. It doesn’t matter if a project receives label interest or outside validation, as long as you press forward doing what you love, it’ll always bring you joy.
We all really believed in Realms and wanted to give it a proper release on vinyl as it’s become really requested live in the past few years and it’s nice to revisit how everything started. It feels very emotionally cathartic to play these songs and we still love them today as much as we did so many years ago.”