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Unsigned Spotlight: White Shores

Philly emo/alternative rock crew White Shores came to life in 2020 bonded by a love of 00s and 10s alternative rock and pop-punk.

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Will Richards – lead vocals/guitar

Chris Stephen– bass/vocals

Caleb Weiler – drums

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to White Shores? How long has the band been around?

Will: I haven’t been in bands since high school. In recent years, I've been doing singer/songwriter type stuff on my own. White Shores formed in summer 2020, so we’re coming up on 2 years!

Chris: I’ve been on the cover scene for a while, most recently in pop rock bands Last Night Out and Warped SPEED.

Caleb: I was in the Philadelphia based Pop Punk band Anomaly back in 2013-2015 before taking a musical hiatus from 2015-2020, White Shores formed in the fall of 2020 and has since released two EPs and we are working on our next release currently.

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

The name has been White Shores from the beginning.

Caleb: Because I am a huge nerd I have always wanted a band named after something from Lord of the Rings, there is a scene in the “Return of the King” Where Pippin and Gandalf are fighting a losing battle and Pippin is afraid of his impending death in the fight. Gandalf tells Pippin that death is just a path that we all must take but it is not the end, when you take that path the first thing you see is White Shores and then beyond. Sure in the context of death it is a bit morbid for an alternative rock band but at the end of the day White Shores is about new paths and new beginnings and how we can all grow and be better, even in a losing situation.

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

Will: Typically I come up with the initial ideas, structure, and melodies. Then we go through the different parts of the song as a band, work on different dynamics, change parts, it’s a collaborative effort.

A lot of our songs are about relationships and heartbreak, but we also have a song on our new EP called “breaking cover,” which is really about friendship. And a brand new song we’re working on called “unfamiliar skies” is about the people in your life who stay in your life no matter what. I (Will) have always had trouble writing “happy” songs. Typically it’s a negative emotion that moves me to attach a melody to it, but hey maybe that’ll change!

Chris: We will pick up what Will brings and run with it. I’ll add harmonies, basslines, synths (featured at live shows and on upcoming releases) and colorful commentary. Caleb and I will take a few different rhythmic approaches until we nail it down.

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

Will: Boys of Fall, Sleep On It, The Gospel Youth

Caleb: For me, I listen to a fair amount of metalcore and Rock music in addition to Pop Punk that we base our music around. I have really been digging into Coheed and Cambria and their drummer Josh’s style recently because of all the intricacies in his playing. Other bands I listen to regularly for inspiration are Ice Nine Kills, Beartooth, Mayday Parade, Go Radio, Shinedown and Breaking Benjamin.

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

Will: Caleb and I initially connected on Craigslist of all places, and found we both loved Mayday Parade and Go Radio, so that emo/pop sound was a common ground in terms of what sound we wanted to go for.

Chris: Just the desire to be around creative people with similar tastes and influences. We can talk for hours about something we’re passionate about and it never gets old or boring.

Caleb: I am not sure if it was one specific concert or artist that made me want to be a musician. I grew up listening to a lot of Relient K and funny enough my taste in music broadened because of Guitar Hero 3, it introduced me into bands like Slipknot and Disturbed which really opened my taste in music. There was just a feeling I had every time I would go to a concert or watch a video online that I wanted to be up there performing instead of watching from the crowd.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, etc …

Chris: I sing in the car to notes I can’t hit, I practice to songs that I can’t play well, and spend some time on the treadmill.

Caleb: Nothing fun, general arm and leg stretches, walking and jumping around to loosen up before the show starts. Most of the preparation comes beforehand in all of the rehearsal and practice time, making sure I have everything right where I want it in practice so that it is good to go when it is time to play a show.

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

Will: It’s tough to pick one, so it’s a tie between hearing “rain upon the glass” being played on Alt 104.5 in Philly and being selected to perform at Launch Music Festival just last week!

Caleb: We were featured recently on the local Philadelphia Alternative Rock Station ALT 104.5, we played a set and did an interview with them on Facebook and they currently have our title song from our last EP, “Rain Upon The Glass” in circulation.

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

Will: Grayscale for me. They’re from Philly and they have a similar sound to us. Would love to open for those guys!

Chris: Would love to jump on the Blame Canada Tour with SUM 41 and Simple Plan! We can be Canadian for a day, eh! Huge influences on me, both bands.

Caleb: Growing up, Go Radio was my favorite band, and I would have loved an opportunity to tour with them. If I were to pick a lineup of active bands I would love to tour with All Time Low, Mayday Parade and The Wonder Years.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Never Give Up

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