Kill The Music

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Unsigned Spotlight: Verity White

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to releasing your own music? How long has the band been around?

I actually only started releasing my own stuff in 2016, I’d been involved in loads of random projects from theatre work to touring with Pendragon as one of their backing vocalists. It was actually the latter that gave me the confidence to start putting my own stuff out there.

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

I work with my hubby as he’s (handily!) a very good instrumentalist and producer, and I have to say that without his input this wouldn’t have got off the ground.  Most of the songs are worked up from the ground together then I sit in a darkened room with loads of coffee purging my past experiences to work something out melodically and lyrically that fits with the music. We then record and add incidental parts to make it come alive. 

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

So maaany!! That is such a hard question as I listen to such a variety of music. I tend to always quote to same bands as my main influences - people like Nine Inch Nails, Veruca Salt, Amanda Palmer, Nirvana, Foo Fighters and Royal Blood. But honestly it can come from anywhere - I’ve been digging Tool and Chvrches for some of the album influences!

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

Not really - it was just always what I wanted to do. I lacked the courage for ages but last year proved to me that you just need to go for these things!

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect

Always vocal warm-ups - and no booze (booo!) - I have an amazing vocal coach who’s taught me a lot about warming up and stretching the vocal chords. It sounds like a right racket but it works, and it helps you sing night after night without issue.

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

Definitely the upcoming support slots around Europe with Pendragon - we’ll be playing to sold-out shows of about 750 people - it’s going to be amazing!!

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

I’d love to tour with Nirvana - coz that would be incredible. Kurt was such an artist.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The album is out SOON - it’s called a Breaking Out and It’s going to be awesome, the first single I Don’t Care is out NOW and the title track will be out on my bandcamp 30th Oct. Also, I’m touring January so keep an eye out for this mug 😆✌🏼