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Unsigned Spotlight: The Flux Machine

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Luis Accorsi - Vocalist, Songwriter
Raphael Sepulveda - Producer

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to The Flux Machine? How long has the band been around?


Cracked Latin (2009-2012) Psychedelic Rock Salsa band

Man’s Laughter (1995-2000) Heavy rock band

Janz Kapella (1979-1986) Original punk band from Venezuela


Equis (2011-2012) Electronic Music Project

Amyloe (2006- 2010) Rock band from the Dominican Republic

The Flux Machine started working on songs for the first time in September 2014. That’s when we started writing the record, so a little over a year now.

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

Luis: While making the album, one day I felt a strange electrical current run though my veins. I researched electrical conductivity and we loved FLUX.

Raphael: About three songs into the album we started giving some though about the name. We were in the middle of working on a song and Luis was shouting out different name ideas until he came up with "The Flux Machine”. A quick google search assured the name wasn’t taken. We’ve stuck with it ever since!

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

Luis: The songs are an amalgamation of Luis Accorsi old school know-how, and Raphael Sepulveda’s incredible musical skills and production values. All songs are written on the spot, completed in two days each, by the two members. This band has made a fantastic album wrung from life’s hardships and heartbreaks. Every song has a statement that may seem superficial at first, but on a second listen, it is all revealed.

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

Luis: I don't listen to music casually, unless it is historically relevant. All genres.

Raphael: For this record I found sonic inspiration in bands such as The Subways, The Foo Fighters, The Distiller, The Pillows (a Japanese alt-rock band) and even Marilyn Manson.

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

Luis: The Rolling Stones "Through the Past, Darkly". There’s a memorial for Brian Jones and it stayed with me. "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!" is a killer early rock show album that felt natural and connected to its moment without artifice (i.e. gimmicks, fireworks, and all sorts of distracting visual stupidities).

Raphael: At 13 I picked up a guitar for the first time and played “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Been in and worked with bands since then.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect …

Luis: Smoke a few cigarettes and hope the blood clots don’t go to my brain too quickly.

Raphael: Run through one of the songs in the green room to get the energy going. A bottle of Vitamin Water Dragonfruit.

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

Raphael: Definitely the completion of the first album titled “Louder!” released in August.

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

Luis: I would have played with the Ramones, and I would have wanted to sing ‘Lobotomy' with them. Also maybe Jello Biafra?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

There is no better time to spit what is in your soul than now. The Flux Machine is a perfect example of this. Do it while you're alive, because there are quite a few things you can’t do while dead.

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