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Unsigned Spotlight: Tarah Who?

TGC: Tarah G. Carpenter - Lead Vocals and Guitar

PC: Paul Costanza - Drums

MP: Matthew Peltcher - Bass, Backing Vocals

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to Tarah Who? How long has the band been around?

TGC: Top of my head.. So Was the Sun (Bass), LED (Drums),Fräulein (Drums),  Jane Gray Black Orphan (Drums) ...Tarah has been around since i started writing songs, about 10 years ago, performing as a solo acoustic artist. Tarah Who? became a band in 2009.

MP: I was in a punk band Clara Bow that I started with a close friend and we were around for about 3 years.

PC: I was in a bunch of bands. House of flies, inside the slaughter, Naomi and the bandits, anti-puppet,Tokyo game show, the list goes on and on.

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

I used to perform under my name and when i started playing with other musicians I wanted a new band name.

The band name is an accident. I am not good at finding band names(obviously!). I wrote an email to the guys that were my bandmates at the time, the subject of that email was "Tarah Who???" we decided to keep it so we could start playing gigs!

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

TGC: I write all the songs, music and lyrics. I make a demo of all the songs by recording the drums, bass, guitar and vocals. When i am happy with the structure, tempo, mood etc.. I introduce the songs to the guys. Sometimes, we arrange parts because Paul, for instance has different technique, groove etc..

I like to write fast-paced songs. I sing about people or situations in my life that have touched or hurt me. My songs are very personal, they are about my experiences, emotions and perceptions. I don't know if the topics will change. Writing is almost like a therapy, i don't feel like i am writing a song and i can't force myself writing either. I usually have a strong emotion that i need to let go off. I literally spill it out on a piece of paper, i don't change it, i don't read it. I let it sit for a while and then i come back to it with the guitar and i start playing. I want to stay authentic to my first feelings so i don't change the words. 

PC:  Tarah writes all the songs, even the drum parts. I'll put my spin on the grooves and fills and add little things to it.

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

TGC: I try to stay away from bands or music that sound similar because i don't want to be influenced. I listen to a lot of country music (I am not even kidding!), or nothing at all. I play a lot, in different projects so when i don't play, i enjoy silence. 

PC: I like all kinds of music. Right now I've been into aphex twin, Cyndi lauper, Jane's addiction, and erykah badu.

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

MP: Definitely listening to a lot of Smashing Pumpkins and Deftones. Love how they write music that intertwines intensity and slow harmonies so well.

TGC: I don't think so...I was always drawn to music and playing, but i didn't want to be like someone. If anything i wish i was up there with or instead of them! 

PC: I would say Travis barker from blink 182 was the guy that inspired me to pursue music. His band was all the rage in middle school and his style of playing had a profound impact on my playing.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect …

TGC: I avoid people. Warm Up ( body) , Drink a couple of jameson and cokes. Wait. In Silence...!

MP: Some quick stretching, bass runs, jumping up a down...get the blood flowing...there isn't much you have time for, just do it! 

PC:I never warm up. No flexing, no exercise, nothing. I'm not against it, I usually don't have time! I usually like to show up right before we start. I got shit to do! 

 What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

MP: Our new video! It's so cool!

PC: The biggest thing that's happened has to be touring. I got to tour with TW? In Europe. An amazing experience, great people, great fans. But bigger things are happening soon, we're getting an awesome guitarist to play on the new album. Can't say who, but he's awesome.

TGC: Every step forward has been a highlight so far. We keep learning, meeting new people. Fans that we keep in touch with, other people we sometimes end up working with, musicians we tour or even record with etc... 

I love meeting and working with enthusiast, talented people. We love going on tour because we meet our fans and they are the best.

This past year, we got to work with new people that helped and supported us with our new ep. My highlight was playing a gig at la feline bar in Paris. We were shooting a live music video. After it had been edited, we noticed a girl jumping, smiling, and she knew all the words! I asked : " WHO IS SHE???" that was Angie, the singer of the French band Under the Skin. We are now really close friends. She introduced me to her friends and a few weeks later, we were recording our new ep, taping out live shows ( available on itunes) and had a South of France tour booked! 

When we worked with Alien Records for our ep " Federal Circle of Shame". I got to work with an old friend of mine who wanted to help making the documentary of our project. 

Our friends from the band DRY CAN helped us make the music video of our single " Cough Drop" .

We recently made a new music video for our new single "Bitchcraft" with some old friends of mine here in Los Angeles etc...

We feel very lucky to be surrounded and supported by so many awesome and talented people. 

And like Paul said, some really big things are happening soon for our upcoming new album.We are very excited! I don't like to spread big news around too soon, but i strongly suggest everyone to stay tuned! :) 

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

MP: I'd tour with Queens, Rancid or Deftones. I'd love to get the chance to play in front of their cool fans!

PC:  I would love to tour with Celine Dion, just to piss off her fans.

TGC: Brody, Juliette Lewis, Dead Sara.. If only Lemmy was still around... 

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Check out our new music video! Thank you!