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Unsigned Spotlight: Sleep/less

Sleep/less, formed in late 2017, with a mission to start a band influenced by the artists they grew up with. Since then, they have been creating and recording an innovative blend of pop-rock and pop-punk music.

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Beau Turner - Vocals

Brad Conrad Wiebe - Guitar

John Corsiga - Bass

Zach Fedorowich - Drums

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to Sleep/less? How long has the band been around?

“I was in a few different metal bands and a cover band called Bad Habit prior to Sleep/less. We’ve been together now for about 4 years, and Beau and I started working together in 2017.” - Brad

“Some of the bands I was apart of were Roll the Goat, Overtaker, Turn a Phrase, A Hank WIlliams 3rd cover band.” - Beau

“I’ve only been in one other band before and they were called Encore. Nice guys, just wasn’t what I was looking for in the end” - Zach

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

“So the band name was actually a solo project idea I had when I was wanting to do something outside of metal. The only change we had to make was adding the ‘/’ between sleep and less for legal purposes, as we had noticed the word sleepless was used a few times.” - Brad

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

“We all take part in writing our songs, sometimes someone already has most of it, other times it’s just a riff or vocal melody. A recurring theme I find is love and relationships, past and present. It’s what I find a lot of inspiration from and it’s also what a lot of people can relate to as well. I do think the topics will change, as they do with any growing artist.” - Beau

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

“Overall, it’s still the bands we all grew up listening to. Myself, I use chords and phrasing I learnt from metal musicians, and tie it into what we do and you might pick up on those little things when listening. Bands like Rage Against the Machine, Bullet for my Valentine, Children of Bodom, Bush, Neck Deep, Blink-182, G N’ R, are some of the bands we get inspiration from as a group. There’s definitely more as well.” - Brad

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

“The first concert I went to was when I was in grade 7. It inspired me to want to be a musician and play music. The energy and sound coming from the band. It was Seether, Finger Eleven, and Our Lady Peace, and it was so electrifying that right then I knew, that’s what I wanted to do” - Beau

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect …

“Practice, practice, practice. I’ll usually drink some tea, chew some gum, and mentally prepare for it.” - Beau

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

“I’d say the biggest highlight of our music career is getting over 20K streams on Spotify. It might not seem that big to some people but for us that’s a huge accomplishment and we’re only going up from here” - Beau

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

“If I could tour with any band, it would be either Motley Crüe, or Deftones.I’m sure Motley Crüe would be a riot touring with, and Deftones, I’d love to become friends with Chino!” - Beau

“Oh man, I would love to tour with Blink, All Time Low, Default, and Mariana’s Trench. Honestly, I’ve seen their live shows and it’s just so much fun and that energy is insane! The one’s I’ve met, all great kind dudes. It seems like it’d be so much fun to share the stage with them.” - Brad

“Neck Deep is the first one that comes to mind. I just love their music so much and I’ve heard nothing but good things about them as people. Foo Fighters of course would be another wild group of guys to tour with but I think our styles are just a little different”. - Zach

Is there anything else you would like to add?

We just want to thank everyone for giving us the time of day. The music industry is oversaturated and the fact that people are listening to us, we hope they understand how much we truly appreciate it.


Twitter: @sleeplesswpg

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