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Unsigned Spotlight: Higher Education

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Danny Devaney - Guitar, Bass, Vocals

Petey Devaney - Guitar, Bass, Vocals

Bradley Wilson - Drums

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to Higher Education? How long has the band been around?

A: Danny and I (Peter) were in a six piece band named ”Probable Cause”,  where we first started writing songs. We met Luke De’orio and Bradley Wilson in 2010 and formed Higher Education. - Petey

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

A: After leaving “Probable Cause” and forming a new band with Bradley Wilson I struggled to find a a band name I liked. There was this poster in my room that taught you how to roll a joint to relax, at the top it read “Higher Education.” I brought it to the guys and they loved it.  - Danny

It stuck because Higher Education is ambigous and bold. The name represents our approach to the music. We want to constantly evolve and learn with our music.  - Petey

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

A: Danny and I write the songs and bring them to our Higher Education team which includes Bradley Wilson, Drew Lamond , Luke Deorio, & Dwayne Hayes. We produce them together, sometimes bringing in local musicians we feel fit the song.  - Petey

A:  Introspectiveness and self growth are what we write about. The themes and topics change with what we are going through in our lives. We are always writing music so the song really captures how the moment feels to us. The topics always change but the core element is introspectiveness and understand ourselves. - Danny

Yeah, they are always changing because we write about what is current in our lives. We are inspired by whats going on in our lives and moment. - Petey. 

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

A: The Maryland, DMV Area, is very rich with music so we are in a constantly stimulating environment. We listen to mostly everything that hits the scene. I have been listening to a lot of the music we have been working on at Higher Education Studios, local bands that will be debuting in 2018. I’ve been listening to a lot of “Talking Heads” - Petey 

Nathaniel Rateliff and Alabama Shakes are what I’ve been listening to recently.- Danny

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

A: Peter, a group of friends, and I all went to see “State Radio” on December 26th 2008 at the 9:30 Club in Washington D.C. We took some psychedelics and there was something about hearing them use reggae as a base to mix in all different genres especially rock. 

Powerful rock, heavy rock. Our dad was in a band named “Forcer” and he always preached to us be heavy.  “State Radio” really embodied that feeling with a reggae groove that night - Petey.

What do you do to prepare for a show?

A: Smoke Weed & Drink Whiskey. - Petey

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

A: We have been fans of Passafire for a decade now. We used to always see them in the DMV area and respected the fact that they could play reggae and bring that heavy feeling we loved. - Pewee

We used to hang out after shows and always chill with their march guy - Danny 

One day in a long time ago I told Ted we would open up for them, being a drunk fan. In 2017 we got to be direct support for them and helped sell out a The Jammin Java. That was awesome - Petey

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

A: Slightly Stoopid, we love their music, the message they push, and they seem like really down to Earth People. For the past, any of the legendary bands before Heroin. - Devaney Brothers

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for the support it means so much - Devaney Brothers