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Unsigned Spotlight: Dreams of Vertigo

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Dreams of Vertigo is currently just me. Doug Ferguson

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to Dreams of Vertigo? How long has the band been around?

I've been in bands since my parents gave me a guitar for my 12th birthday. Since then, I've been in bands non stop. My first real, serious band was a pop punk band called Aisle 4. I've been in bands of all types though. Before I started Dreams of Vertigo, I was actually the singer for a metal/ hard rock band. I'm also currently in a pop punk cover band called Amercian Enema. The band started with me, doing acoustic songs with my friend Devin, back in 2012. We eventually found Brandon, Gonz, and Joe, and that's really when the band started.

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

I've always been so fascinated with dreams. What they meant, and if it has anything to do with your every day life. Right before I started the band, I was going through a lot. I moved, I was fighting a lot with my then girlfriend, i was in a car accident and I just quit a band, that I wasn't really happy in. Normally I had music as an outlet. However, since I just quit a band, I didn't have that anymore.

I kept having these dreams where I was falling and I would wake up suddenly. As I did some looking into it, it turns out, having "dreams of vertigo" is linked to stress a lot. So one day, I was at work, and joking told someone I work with, I would start a band called Dreams of Vertigo. The next week, I picked up an acoustic guitar and just started writing some music.

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

When DoV wasn't a solo project, we made an effort to write together. Oftentimes, it was one of us who came up with an idea, and then we would work it out as a band. I almost always wrote the lyrics. Unless it was a song where I wasn't the only one singing. I had the luxury of being in a band with some of the most talented musicians I have ever met, so they really made me better too. Since Dreams of Vertigo became a solo artist project though, its me. I write all the stuff. It's definitely a much different experience now but it seems like people are enjoying it.

As far as themes, I always write about what I feel. It's always something that makes me pissed off(like corruption within the music industry), love, heartbreak, mental health, etc.... The songs aren't always necessarily about me, but they are always about something I'm very passionate about.

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

It's always changing, but bands I really am inspired by, are bands like Green Day, MXPX, Mest, Billy Talent, and Linkin Park. I love the local band, Assuming We Survive. I just love bands that don't pigeon hole themselves, and try new things.

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

The first time I saw Phil Collins was my first show ever. I was just so inspired by the whole thing. Definitely the first time went to see Green Day though, that was when I decided I want to play music.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, ect …

If it's a solo acoustic show, I normally go through my songs a couple times to warm up my voice and my hands. If it's a full band show, I have lots of stretches I do. I do lots of jumps to get my body ready, and I always warm up my voice. One of the biggest things I do, is I only drink water or iced tea before a show. Never soda. It's one of my only weird things. Oh, and don't talk to me much before the show. I will talk your ear off after the show though.

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

So many honestly. Having Mike Herrera of MXPX sing on "Head Vs. Heart" was up there. Opening for Eve 6. Playing a sold out show at the House of Blues in Anaheim as one of our first shows. Playing for the One More Light Festival for Chester Bennington's widow was incredibly inspiring too.

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

Definitely Green Day, although that's pretty big. I'd love to tour, or do a one of with MXPX or Mest though.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The whole idea behind this last cover, "Looking For An Answer" is to raise awareness for mental health issues. To show people that it's ok to not be ok. I want anyone who may be reading this, to know you are not in this alone.

Thank you for reading, and make sure to subscribe to my social media, and Spotify.