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Unsigned Spotlight: 09

In an era defined by the ability to create, with unparalleled access to both the craftsmen and their tools, where quality permeates playlists, and magic is made in basements, on street corners, and in cafes, 09 [OH-NINE] strives to keep that same passion for creating at the forefront of their own musical journey.

Please list all of your band members and their roles in the band.

Chancelor Reeder - Guitar

EJ Olson - Drums, lyrics

For starters, what bands were you guys a part of prior to 09? How long has the band been around?

EJ - Chance and I played in a band called 'wewerezombies' in high school---total mid 2000 metalcore tunes. He went on to play in a few other bands (one of them being My Mantle with Jamie Currie, who we collaborated with on our first single). I played in a band called Aleen for a few years, and currently play in another group called Strangers In Advance.

Chance and I reconnected as musicians back in 2018, and 09's first single came out a few months later, in 2019. In a lot of ways, 09 is a culmination of everything the two of us have done through the years, and it's a celebration with all of the other musicians that have impacted us. 

What’s the origin of that name and have you changed the band’s name before?

EJ - 09 is a celebration of what we love, and it's about bringing some joy back to the process. 2009 was a very important year for our friendship, and '09' to us is a reminder to have fun, love what we're doing, and focus on creating for ourselves.

Chancelor -  The name ‘09’  referring to “2009” captures the whole vibe of this project. 2009 was a formative year for us as musicians as well As friends. We want to bring the best of our roots forward stemming from that era of music with a modern take. 

Who writes your songs? What are the main themes or topics for most of your songs and do you think these topics will change over time?

EJ - Conceptually, everything comes from a moment in my life. I write for the same reason a lot of other people do---it's a release for me. It's a way to document these moments and confront them, for better or worse. Lyrically, I collaborate with all of the singers we work with. Sometimes I'll have most of a song written, and sometimes the singer will come in and add or remove lines and put their mark on it. It's a very collaborative process.

I will continue to write about my life and my experiences, so I expect the nature of the songs to evolve with me. Musically, Chance is the first to come up with things, and then we start piecing all of those elements together. We mostly write remotely, so it can be sort of a puzzle as we send parts back and forth to each other! 

Chancelor - EJ and I write different parts of the songs. I focus all my energy on developing the music and inspiration for each song while EJ’s passion lies with developing lyrics and themes. After I have an idea that I’m stoked on, EJ will line it up with lyrics that he feels best suits the vibe of the music. After that we start playing around with those two elements together and we try to solidify what the song is really saying and what the overall message is.

This part of the writing process is my favorite because after a strong theme is in place we can use that element towards fine tuning vocal hooks and inspire bridges and connective elements in the song.

What bands are currently inspiring the music that you’re making?

EJ - Overall, we draw a lot of inspiration from bands like Thrice, Bring Me The Horizon and Circa Survive. Lyrically, Dustin Kensrue (Thrice) and Garrett Russel (Silent Planet) have been really big for me, even though they are on two total ends of the spectrum as far as their writing style. I love Cory Brandon (Norma Jean) and a lot of the older stuff Jason Butler (letlive.) wrote. 

Chancelor - Thrice is always an inspiration to me no matter what project I’m in. They’ve gone through so many musical genres, all of which I really connect with, and find that they are always relevant for me. As far as tones go Bring Me The Horizon has been a big inspiration. I love Les Paul’s and I love Marshall’s and I love how they’ve fused a modern catchy sound using those classic tonal staples. 

Was there a particular band/artist or concert that inspired you to start a band?

EJ - Growing up, my favorite band was KISS. They were my first show, at 11 years old. I always loved that larger than life excitement and wanted to feel that rush for myself. Coheed and Cambria, though my teenage years, really instilled in me this desire to produce the same sort of pathos in my art, and that's something I try to carry with me in everything I do. 

Chancelor -  My first Warped Tour was back in 2006. Not knowing hardly any of the bands, I showed up and the first stage I stumbled upon I discovered Saosin. After witnessing their energy I was hooked. I remember leaving feeling so inspired after that day.

What do you do to prepare for a show? Any flexing, exercises, etc …

EJ - It's been many years since I last played a live gig, but I was always a nervous performer, regardless of how many shows we'd played. Lots of stretching, pacing back and forth, stressing about how little time we had to set up and sound check. I was very high strung on days we played! 

Chancelor -  We haven’t played any shows as 09 yet, but I usually never eat before playing a show (I’m too excited / nerves) and I have a warm up I picked up from a Joe Satriani interview I saw when someone asked what he does to warm before he sets foot on stage. I’ve referred to that warm up ever since.

What has been the biggest highlight of the band’s career so far?

EJ - 2019 was a really special first year for us, we were able to collaborate with a ton of wonderful artists and make some killer videos. We're just trying to soak it all in and enjoy it as we go! 

If you could tour with any bands, past or present, who would they be and why?

EJ - There are a thousand ways to answer this question, but I'd love to tour with KISS at the height of their reign---1977, sold out stadiums. the absolute pinnacle of rock music. Nowadays, we'd love to tour with Thrice, and I'd personally lose my mind if we could play with Coheed and Cambria.

Chancelor -  I’d love to tour with Thrice. It’s been my dream to share the same stage as the people that have inspired me to get out and start playing in the first place.