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Track By Track: Come and Rest - Blacklist

Come and Rest's new album, Blacklist came out a few weeks ago. For the occasion, we asked vocalist Noel Alejandro to tell us about each track. His commentary on the full album can be seen below.


Millennial's is about the tough time i am having with people moving on with there adult life. Being in the music industry you are very much stuck in this life and nothing really changes. while everyone is getting a big boy job, getting married, having kids, Im worried about preparing for my next tour. The mentality of a millennial is to actually pursue the dream that you want, even if its unconventional. This song is about dealing with those feelings.


I wrote this song while I was watching the Netflix show "House of Cards". The protagonist in the show is very conniving and manipulative. He would do whatever it takes to get what he wants, even if it means throwing his loved ones under the bus. Me and a few of the guys could relate to this person in many ways. The way I perceive this song is that I am the protagonist. I am doing whatever it takes to succeed in the music business and am hurting people I love a long the way. Dealing with this tough business you lose sight of what really means the most to you. This song is a reminder to stay on track.

Feeding Crows:

This song was basically asking for imagery through lyrics. I wanted to draw a picture of how i was feeling at the time. Hopeless, Helpless and unwanted. The crows are the people i am close to not helping me with these feelings. Rather aiding those feelings and letting these thoughts consume me. 

Behind My Eyes:

I had to search deep for this song.  I did not want to write about the state of the church because i feel it can be over used. there was just this deep rooted anger that i just needed to get out and this is what i had to say about it. Do not get me wrong, Church is a beautiful thing. I personally am not against it.  I used to lead worship at a church. This song is specific to my experiences.  Behind My Eyes is about people who think they are God and have all the answers for you when they really do not. Nothing angers me more than this about the people in the church. Everything does not have to be fixed. You can be rough around the edges and still have the love of god in your heart. There was this anxiety i felt when people tried to help me conquer my loneliness and my fear of failure. Some things are better left between you and God. 


The lyrics to Slowburn came to me very quickly. All four of us had countless attacks towards our lives. We were and still are struggling with them. I wanted to write about conquering those attacks and moving on from them. Slowburn is exactly that. Whatever pain that is ailing you, be it losing a loved one, going through a breakup, depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety. All of this is temporary. there is a healing process. it will be very painful, but in the end you will feel better than ever and can finally move on. 

Dead Poets Society:

We were writing this around Robin Williams passing. That quote from the movie of the same name always resonated with me. I showed the guys and the loved it. We wanted to leave an open ending to the album. the last words of the quote are "What will your verse be". We leave it to the listener to decide what to do next with there life. all the songs are about our struggles, Slowburn tells you how deal with those struggles, and DPS asks you what will you do next?