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Track by Track: Bogan Via - Everything's OK

Bogan Via’s new album, Everythings OK will be released on October 20th. For the occasion, we asked the band to tell us about each track. Their commentary on the album can be seen below.

Starting a Nation 

During the writing of these songs I had a spiritual awakening.  Interest in aliens turned into reading more books on the occult and esoteric topics.  The more I read, the more I meditated, and the more I learned from other intuitives I began to realize that there was another story going on than what I had encountered or even considered. 

The lyrics of “Starting a Nation” stem from this spiritual awakening that I had at this time, which at its heart, details the life of the light workers that are here now helping Earth transition into a higher frequency.  A big theme throughout the whole record is that of fear vs. love and the accompanying energies that they inject into the world around us.  

Brave Now

“Brave Now” is really a coming of age story, steeped with a heavy dose of nostalgia as someone reflects on all of the ups and downs of their past. Over the years the childlike wonder  that we all start off with slowly fades as more life experiences bring wisdom and pain. 

But in looking back the narrator is able to see the beauty in the journey and find gratitude for both the highs and the lows. We actually wrote this song a long time ago but decided that the feeling and themes of the track worked so well with what we’d been writing recently, that it would be a shame not to include it.

Jeanne Baret

One day, I had the inquisitive thought to learn about where bougainvillea, our band’s namesake, originated from.  I learned that it was actually a French explorer named Jeanne Baret who is credited to giving the tropical flowering vine its name. She was born into a poor family in Burgundy in the 18th century and became quite the astute botanist at a young age. At some point she falls in love with another botanist, the very renowned Philibert Commerson, who takes her as his assistant on great adventures all over the world.

Back in those days, however, women were not allowed to sail so Baret had to hide her identity the entire time, pretending to be a man. Eventually she was discovered, but not before she and Commerson made hundreds of discoveries in the world of botany. 

Baret is actually now considered to be the first woman to have circumnavigated the world, most of this occurring during her 3 year long trip on Louis Antoine de Bougainville's boat the Etoile.  Her life and adventures inspired the lyrics and energy behind this song.

Generation of Patience

“G.O.P” is definitely one of the darker tracks on the album.  It tells the story of a person who is getting completely overwhelmed by the stresses of life and is looking for an escape or a way out. If I reflect on it more deeply from my reincarnation-believing point of view, it feels like someone is asking how much more do I have to learn or experience before I can have a break and just let go. 

Sometimes having something bigger to hold onto beyond the chaos of every day can help to give your existence more meaning, but on the flip side it can also make you minimize the experience here and bring you into feeling far too detached from life. By the end of the song though I do feel that the narrator (me) grabs onto that fire and eagerness to keep fighting because those bigger truths continue to grow and inspire.  

Everything’s OK

During the pandemic, so many of us were dealing with loss on such a huge scale; it was insane. Before writing this song, we had just lost a pet that we had helped to rehabilitate and it was pretty devastating for our family. We have helped dozens of cats and other animals over the years but it still cuts deeply every time you have to say goodbye or when there’s just nothing else that you can do. 

“Everythings OK” is our story of loss and grieving told from the perspective of a kid who has to say goodbye to their parent too soon. Everything somehow reminds them of their mom as they try to move on and heal, only finding solace in the crashing waves of the ocean that seem to drown out the hurt.

Beauty Won’t Last

This song ruminates on the impermanence of life and beauty, urging its listeners to live it up and makes waves while we can. No matter what your beliefs are we can all (probably) agree that we are living here now so why not make the best of it or even turn our lives up to eleven. 

The lyrics also suggest that we are all being effected by a past that we can’t see or maybe don’t wish to confront and therefore continue to make the same mistakes. With a little honesty and some inner strength we can break the cycles that have anchored us down, steering us toward a future of unknown growth and possibility. 

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