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Track by Track: BAEST - Necro Sapiens

BAEST released their full length Necro Sapiens on March 5th and we asked the band to tell us about each track. Check out their commentary on the album below.

Genesis: Genesis was one of the last tracks to be finished for the record. It’s something different, and we were struggling with the parts. It came out amazing, and we are super proud of the direction on this song!
It basically depicts the Genesis of the necro sapiens, one that is written by the Czar (the guy on the cover) and his companions in the Abattoir.

Necro Sapiens: Necro Sapiens is the title track of the album, and describe this slave race created by the Czar. 

Czar: Czar is this big brother figure, an everliving and everchanging entity with nothing good in mind. He rules this universe, and is bound to do so in all eternity. 

Abattoir: Abattoir was one of the first tracks to be finished for the album, and has a heavy morbid Angel vibe to it. The idea was to write a song, were the string instruments were never playing the same patterns as the other - the guitars for example, arent doing the same riffs unless for one short passage in the middle. 

Goregasm: Have you ever had an orgasm so intense that you almost died? Well, that's what this song is about! The corrupt and decadent overclass has its perverse and deviant tendencies to fulfill their desires. Carnal fournication is not enough to satisfy them so to reach a state of total bodiless ecstasy blood must be shed and a pure soul must be defiled. The song starts with a dragging and doomy introduction that transcends into a groovy kick in the nuts with a monster hybrid of Dismember/Carcass influenced riff carnage and returns to the eerie doomy part.

Towers of Suffocation: Genesis depicts a creating period of five days, and therefore the Czar decided to built five towers on earth, we he can punish the necro sapiens, who are disobeying him in any way. The character of the disobedience decides what tower you will end up in! 

Meathook Massacre: When you are immortal and super rich, sometimes you get bored. When that happens, you get in touch with this mercenary. He’ll show up and torture your necro sapiens i whatever way you feel like. His whole life is a meathook massacre, and he loves and lives it. 

Sea of Vomit: The final track of the album is almost a visualization of the consequences that the actions of the totalitarian regime leads to. An everflowing sea of vomit that spreads out in ravaging deltas that leaves the shores polluted and profane. The track might open up for a sequel. Who might know what horrendous endeavours we could engage in?

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