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The Soundtrack of Luck: How Music Sets the Tone in Casinos

Anyone who chooses to gamble at a casino, whether online or in person, will have factors that influence their decision on where to play. For online casinos, these are often the payment methods available, the range of games, and the quality of the visuals. 

In brick-and-mortar casinos, people’s needs are different, and they seek great entertainment, food, and drink too. Rarely does anyone who visits a casino, either in person or online, think about the music. However, there are reasons why background sounds are important and why casinos love to use it. This article will explore how music sets the tone in casinos around the world. 

Three Top Reasons Why Music is Used in Casinos

There are a whole host of reasons for the use of rhythm and tunes in both online casinos and physical ones. Here are our top three:

It provides entertainment

Those who take part in online gambling or traditional casino activities do so for multiple reasons. The main one, of course, is for entertainment, though many also hope to win something too. Every game’s background sounds, and audio effects add to the game experience. 

I bet few people have consciously listened when navigating online casinos, but when you explore Australia’s best online casinos and pay attention, you’ll notice just how much music there is—and how it changes your experience too. This is the same for many other online casinos as they aim to recreate the same feeling you get when walking your bricks and mortar establishments.

When online platforms add sounds it helps to create a more authentic sessions for those gambling from home. The approach is multi-sensory and adds to the overall platform immersion and fun. 

It makes you want to spend money

Believe it or not, its also powerful enough to affect your judgements. Research has been carried out on this topic with surprising results. When participants of the study gambled while listening to songs with a low tempo, they placed more bets compared to those who listened to tracks with a high tempo. However, high-tempo songs also meant quicker decisions for bets. In fact, both types of soundtracks can cause risky gambling behaviours: slow because you bet for longer and fast because you don’t think as carefully about your bets. 

You won’t want to leave

When you win and you hear coins clinking or celebratory trumpets, it has a positive effect on you. This adds to the winning experience and makes you want to feel that again. You’re much more likely to stick around because of the soundtrack.

Music Psychology in Gaming 

We’ve talked in brief about why music is used and even though you might read the research and be aware of its effects, you won’t necessarily realise you’re being influenced by it. 

Music influences the subconscious and can invoke emotional responses. Casinos don’t just randomly choose their music; they research and test it to ensure they’re making the most out of the psychological responses that music can invoke. They want you to spend money there, so they choose their music to influence you to stay and spend, all without you being aware.

Casino Music’s Psychological Triggers

There are many triggers in music, here are some of them:

  1. Emotional Resonance: High-tempo tracks will make you feel excited and ready to play. Calming tracks, on the other hand, are comforting. 

  2. Pace Control: If a casino or game uses a fast-paced track, they’re subtly trying to get you to play more quickly—and spend more money.

  3. Memory Imprint: Casino’s that have their own soundtracks do so because the tunes can imprint on your memory and draw back your thoughts to the platform when you’re going about your everyday life. 

  4. Cognitive Distraction: When you get drawn into the music, you’re less likely to feel the passing of time. Thus, you’ll stay longer and spend more.

  5. Mood Elevation: Music is great for elevating your mood, which can make you spend more time at the casino. Even non-gambling games like FIFA use music for this purpose.

  6. Sound security: When you listen to a repetitive or family soundtrack, you feel safer and, therefore, will feel more confident so you’ll gamble more. 

Music Variance Across Casino Sections

Different parts of the online casino will have different soundtracks. These are chosen carefully and with purpose. 

Music choices reflecting each section’s function 

  • Slot machines: you’ll hear high-energy sounds and sound effects appropriate to the game theme. You’re likely to spend more because of the anticipation and immersion this creates.

  • High-stakes tables: The music is more likely to be ambient to promote strategic thinking in your gameplay. 

  • Lounge: In a physical establishment, the lounge will have relaxing music to help customers take a break from their games and be ready to play some more. 

  • Entrances halls: In a physical casino, the choice of music in the entrance hall is important as it tells customers what to expect.

  • Dining establishments: Usually, these areas have melodic background music that pairs well with the eating experience.

  • Promotional areas: You’re likely to hear catchy jingles on a loop to embed the offers into your brain to retrieve later.

Technology and Music Evolution 

Music strategies evolve just as frequently as the casino games themselves. The first days of casinos meant simple playlists but now things are much more complicated, and data driven. Here are some of the things casinos are now using:

  • The ability to personalise your playlists. Choosing your own music to accompany your favourite video games, for example.

  • Adaptive technologies that react to the mood of the customers. 

  • Sound zones for different experiences in different areas. 

  • VR integration.

Final Thoughts on Casino Soundtracks

Music isn’t there for the sake of it. Both online casinos and physical ones have now realised the impact it can have and are using it to their advantage and yours. Next time you play, spend some time thinking about the sounds and what effect they are having on you.