Kill The Music

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The Daily Complaint: Fuck The Voice of a Generation

This is what happens when you let fame get to your head.

When he's not slut-shaming, Matty Mullins is fronting your typical sub-par metal band that Hot Topic kids seem to love. He also seems to think he's the voice of a generation.

Our friend Sergeant D from SYWH sums it up best

At first I laughed because I was like “lolwut ur in like an OK metalcore band that has max 1.5 more album cycles of relevance left then u will be the manager of the pro audio department at Guitar Center in Dearborn Heights how can u be so delusional as to even think for 1 second that u could possibly be anything close to the voice of a generation.” But i guess in a way its true– he was the voice of a generation of “self-absorbed guys in their mid-to-late-20s who play crappy metalcore to high school girls” that day, at least to the 150 kids watching them while AUGUST BURNS RED were setting up.

Matty also hates doing interviews apparently. It doesn't help that the interviewer was asking generic questions

His ego is bad enough that Issues wrote a song about Matty's speech