The Daily Complaint: Entitled Server Syndrome
Why do servers insist on acting entitled?
We get it; tips are how servers make their wage. Fast food workers have been complaining that they should get $15 an hour, which is some bullshit. If anything, restaurants should pay their servers at least $7.25 an hour to begin with (even though employers are required to make up the difference if tips don’t bring that wage up to the $7.25 floor for all other workers) This restaurant in Kentucky has a no tipping policy:
Packhouse servers earn $10 per hour or 20 percent of their individual food sales per shift, whichever is larger – almost always the 20 percent. And servers have to meet certain goals – sales and service targets, for example – to get their 20 percent.
People act like serving is the hardest job in the world; they knew what they signing up for when they applied for the job.