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Six Feet Under Premiere New Song “Know-Nothing Ingrate”

Six Feet Under (ex-Cannibal Corpse) have shared a new track called “Know-Nothing Ingrate.” That song will appear on their new album “Killing For Revenge,” which is set to be released on May 10.

Vocalist Chris Barnes said the following about the song:

“I kind of went back and forth on what song should be the first one to throw out into the world. Jack [Owen] liked the idea of ‘Know-Nothing Ingrate‘ as the first single as well.”

Guitarist Jack Owen added:

“We wanted to keep the aggression of a prior Six Feet Under song like ‘Amputator‘. I wrote music in the style of early Dark Angel or Kreator, who always had cool driving drum beats. I had all the riffs in my head as I wrote the drums in a couple hours. Lyrically, It’s basically about online trolls who voice their uneducated and unnecessarily spiteful review of any artist’s output. You’re entitled to your opinion, and I’m entitled to mine.”

Barnes also commented on the album:

“I chose the title ‘Killing For Revenge‘ after we completed writing and noticed that all the lyrics and storylines had a common theme of revenge. Revenge by human or revenge by nature-or both in the song ‘Bestial Savagery‘, which describes the destructive paths of man-made storms. The album title describes the flow of the stories within the lyrics perfectly.”