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Review: The Color Morale - Hold On Pain Ends

The Color Morale - Hold On Pain Ends

The Color Morale's fourth studio album "Hold On Pain Ends" is absolutely terrible. I'm gonna start off with saying that I really wanted to do a full album review go into a lot of detail, BUT, I could not listen to this album more than about 3 times at all. It's honestly so generic and it's not fun to listen to whatsoever. It's filled with generic breakdowns and weak choruses, which in the regular metal-core genre, I guess is fine, but for my taste, it was horrible. The vocals are very mediocre and with the style that Garrett Rapp sings and screams in, it doesn't really fit well with the instrumentals on this album. Also he had little to no intensity in his vocals throughout the entire album as if he had no desire to even do the vocals. Each track sounds exactly the same making this album just drag on and on. Of course, there's an acoustic track at the end of the album which isn't half bad if you enjoy any type of acoustic tracks.

The concept of literally knowing hope, finding salvation, being happy, and knowing that you're not alone, etc., has been so overused in their previous album "Know Hope" that it sort of destroys the overall message in my opinion. Basing one album off of that is okay, but two? It seems like they're forcing a message down your throat.

"Hold On Pain Ends" was an album that I was honestly looking forward to and the first single they put out, "Suicide; Stigma", sounded pretty promising at first so you could think that the album was going to be good right? Wrong. This album was not at all promising and didn't meet any expectations I had whatsoever. It didn't even come close. As I said before, it's boring and generic, and I would not even recommend listening to it. This is definitely one of The Color Morale's worst albums so far.


You can stream their new album "Hold On Pain Ends" following the link below.