Review: All For Nothing - When Never Becomes Now
All For Nothing are a Pop-Punk/Easycore band that play in the same style as popular acts such as A Day To Remember, Blink-182, Four Year Strong and just about any other Pop-Punk band you could name. Yes, they are generic Pop-Punk mixed with some Metal elements however they know how to pull off some catchy tunes. Before I press on, I'm not a Pop-Punk fan myself but I love small/underground bands. I love to listen to upcoming bands and I love talking about them. With that in mind, I'm actually very impressed with this band. They aren't my usual cup of tea but they seem to have captured the fine art of mixing some heavier riffing with catchy, up-tempo Rock. They sometimes even do this at the same time, providing catchy vocal lines whilst there's a breakdown going on in the background. It isn't going to be to everyone's cup of tea, granted, but they're certainly worth a listen.
The album starts off with 'Girls Like You'. First impressions count and I had no idea what to think. The instruments were good and it had the right feel but something wasn't cutting it for me. However, after another listen or two, it grew on me. This is a band that will certainly need to grow on you but when they do, they end up being stuck in your head for a good few hours. 'Girls Like You' starts off very A Day To Remember-ish. You get some great Easycore riffs and a nice blend with the standard Rock chords that provides easy yet memorable guitar tracks. The drumming isn't over done and helps to accompany the song, making it simple to groove along to. The bass grooves are excellent, providing the tasty filling between the guitars and the drums. The vocals are good although they will definitely need to grow on you. It's weird to you at first but the more you get into it, the more you enjoy the song. The vocal melodies are perfect and the hooks are downright catchy.
The album moves a long at a steady and fun pace with tracks like 'Brick, Where'd You Get A Hand Grenade?', 'Homecoming', 'The Best Is Yet To Come', and 'One In A Million'. These are all superb tracks that are fun, well-paced and have unique little things that make each one enjoyable to listen to. The album is consistent and is something that you can really appreciate when listening to it. The album closes with 'Five Minutes Before The Miracle Happens'. Well, the fact that I enjoyed an entire Pop-Punk album is a miracle so maybe they predicted this review. On a serious note, this has to be one of the strongest tracks on here and has one of the catchiest hooks I've ever heard.
It's an addictive, fun and excellently well composed track that help sums up one of the finest Pop-Punk albums I've ever heard. Everything on the track, and the album as a whole, works and is not over-done. Everything is placed in the right segment of each track and is never over-used. It's placed down and has an effect on you instead of feeling like it's just filler. The album doesn't have anything that can be considered filler segments, although some tracks are stronger than others. But even then, the 'weaker' tracks are still great and still stick in your mind.
You can see the many influences on this album, ranging from parts that will remind you of A Day To Remember, Blink-182, Boxcar Racer, Four Year Strong and You Me At Six but yet they still make this album original and their own. They don't rip anything off from their influences, they just seem to know how to blend their favourite bands together and add a crap load of spice and uniqueness to make something that is, in it's own right, original and special. The album is addictive, spreading the Pop-Punk and Easycore influences out evenly, with fun hooks, simple yet brilliant Rock guitar tracks, addictive bass grooves, fun and upbeat drum beats and slightly heavy yet brilliantly executed breakdown segments. The album is excellent and I seriously hope these guys aren't at their peak because I'd love to see them progress into being one of the damn finest Rock bands out there. I have a strong feeling that these guys are going somewhere. Let's hope they do.
- Asa