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Retrospective: A Skylit Drive - Wires...and the Concept of Breathing

A Skylit Drive’s debut album, Wires...and the Concept of Breathing turned 15 this year and we have commentary from vocalist MIchael Jagmin. Check it out below and let us know your thoughts on the record!

First of all, how does it feel knowing Wires…and the Concept of Breathing turns 15 this year?

It makes me feel super old! All jokes aside though It’s surreal and very exciting.

How did you feel when the album came out?

While I had done a full-length album release in my prior band, Odd Project, the bar and expectations for “Wires” was a tall one. I was excited, nervous, prepared yet scared all rolled together.

Where do you think the album fits in the band's legacy?

“Wires” seems to have comfortably placed itself as king of the castle above the rest of our discography. It really set the bar for every album or release we put out after it.

How did the band approach writing? What inspired the lyrics?

Back then, the writing was much looser, everyone was together hanging, more laid-back vibe. I wrote lyrics the same back then as I do now. I let the song speak to me, and what it makes me feel is what I write about.

Do any of the themes touched on the album still hold relevance for you?

Absolutely! A lot of the songs have a positive outlook with hopes to promote a stronger self. Even today, a lot of that I write for myself as a constant reminder to practice what I’m preaching.

What were your hopes and expectations for the record during the writing and recording process?

I don’t recall having any specific expectations. I, of course, hoped for the moon and stars! I don’t think any of us really had a clue what “Wires” would do for A Skylit Drive though.

When was the last time you listened to the record? Are there memories and emotions that come back?

We’re rehearsing it now gearing up for the first Phase of the 15-Year Anniversary tour, so I’m hearing it often these days! So many memories and emotions come up while listening through. Good and bad. It was a great time in my life.

What do you remember most about making the album?

Writing, demoing, and all that was much different back then. None of us knew how to record properly at home. That plus resources available to artists back then weren’t even close to what they are today. In saying that, I most remember writing my melodies and lyrics the night before going into the studio to track them. I’d sing them to myself in falsetto enough times to memorize them and hope to remember them all the next morning.

Were there any bands in particular you enjoyed playing with while touring for the record?

My favorite tour back when “Wires” came out was with Chiodos, Silverstein, Escape the Fate, and Alesana.

How did things change for the band after the album came out?

It really changed everything. The fan response was different. The opportunities we got were different. All different in a better way of course!

Do you remember what you were listening to at the time?

Back then I was super into more progressive/power metal bands like Dream Theater, Circus Maximus, and Dragonforce.

Do you think of the album any differently now than you did when you recorded it?

Absolutely! I of course appreciated it back then, but looking back at what the album has even done for just me as an individual is something I never could have foreseen after 15 years.

Did you ever expect the album to have the influence it did?

No way. I know I mentioned having high hopes before but I don’t think any of us could have expected or anticipated what “Wires” became. 

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The band also announced a 15th anniversary tour with Scarlett O’Hara. View the dates below and purchase tickets right here.