Kill The Music

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Releasing Soon : Spirit Club - S/T

Be on the look out for Nathan Williams from Wavves side project Spirit Club! This album is releasing May 12th, 2015 and I can't wait! They dropped three tracks for this album and I enjoy them all! They have a really shoegaze style mixed with garage rock, and Nathan William's brother is also in this band! This isn't the first time they worked together, they have another project called Sweet Valley. I really enjoy the fuzz sound with the synth backing it, also the vocal harmonies are spot on! Pitchfork released a few videos of them playing the tracks live in a mansion! Check them out! If you want to get this on vinyl they still have black LP's at their shop which you can click here to see!

I might review this album when I get the vinyl, but I already know this will be one of the greatest albums of the year!