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Premiere: Lights on The Coast - "Wraith"

New Mexico metalcore outfit Lights on The Coast have released their new EP. Today, we’re premiering their music video for “Wraith.” Watch it below!

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“With the music video for Wraith, the band all agreed to meet at Dion's house on the reservation in Vanderwagen, NM to shoot. His house sits on a property in a remote, wooded area and it was fairly cold for April. Matt, living in Arizona at the time, drove to meet up with the others who made the trip from Albuquerque.

This video was shot in front of a green screen, which the band had never done before but it was exciting nonetheless. The process took a full day with the drive and setup. Each member shot multiple single takes in Dion's bedroom and the band consumed a lot of water throughout the process.

In between takes, we shared a lot of new music that we've been listening to as a way to hype us up. Josh was cat-sitting for Matt prior to the meet-up and brought his cat, Mochi, to hand off to complete Matt's move to Arizona. So, there was a cat hanging out the whole time, which added an extra element of awesome.

Overall, the day was long but fun and the takes were sent off to the record label to put together. We really enjoy the result and are excited to share this video with everyone.” – Matt Torres