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Nothing More Issue Statement Regarding Past Domestic Violence Incident Involving Singer Jonny Hawkins

According to a new report from Loudwire, Nothing More’s Jonny Hawkins was recently involved in a domestic violence case. The singer was arrested in March 2022 following a late 2021 incident between him and his now ex-girlfriend Kristin Gordon. That situation resulted in Hawkins hitting Gordon with a truck. The following was said about that in a police report:

“On the video I observed a white truck stopping abruptly in front of [address redacted]. Shortly thereafter the passenger door opens and some items are thrown out, a few seconds pass then [name redacted] violently falls from the vehicle, landing flat on the ground. The passenger door is then closed from the inside. [Name redacted] attempts to sit up and appears to reach under the truck, at which time the truck quickly accelerates, running over [name redacted] with the passenger side rear wheel. The trucks [sic] rear end can be seen raising up off the ground as it drives over [name redacted]. [Name redacted] lies in the street, occasionally moving around until the deputies arrive on scene. Let it be noted that the truck didn’t return to the scene.”

The report also added that Gordon suffered “road rash on her elbows, back, right thigh and lower leg” and that “some [of] the scrapes covered large areas and had some deep gouges.” She was also said to have sustained “a collapsed lung and broken spinal bones in addition to the severe road rash.”

Hawkins plead guilty and the 24th Judicial District Court, Parish of Jefferson issued the following ruling:

“Defendant is placed on active probation for a term of 12 months.

In addition to all general conditions of probation, the following special conditions of probation are imposed: The Defendant shall pay court costs, fines and fees in the amount of $549.50.

The Defendant must pay a Commissioner fee of $175.00.
The Court waives the Drug Court fee.
The Defendant must pay a probation supervision fee in the amount of $80.00 per month.
The Defendant must pay a Indigent Transcript Fee in the amount of $2.00.
The Defendant must complete 40 hours of Community Service to be served at the direction of probation within the first 120 days of probation.
The Defendant must be evaluated and receive treatment, if necessary, from JPHSA. The Defendant must submit to random drug screens.
The Defendant must pay all fines, fees and court costs within the first 120 days of probation.”

Hawkins’ bandmates have since commented on the incident:

“One terrible night does not define a person’s entire life.

Jonny has taken responsibility for his actions in his personal life, and he has been held accountable in the eyes of the law.

We know Jonny better than anyone, and he is not a violent person. We’ve never witnessed or seen evidence of violence from him in any of his relationships. However, we all have witnessed physical abuse towards Jonny over the course of his most recent relationship.

We have been by his side for the past year and a half, and we support the efforts he has taken to make things right.

–Mark, Daniel and Ben“

They also added:

“Out of respect for Godsmack and Staind we have decided to remove ourselves from the tour that starts next week as well as our shows in Albany and Cleveland while we deal with matters that are very personal and private to the band. We look forward to seeing you on the road in September.”

Hawkins issued his own statement as well:

“These are pictures of me with a woman with whom I’ve had a loving, but also highly volatile, relationship for over six years. The first picture is from March of this year. The second picture is from an event in January. We have spent time together off and on over the last few years, including as recently as this past 4th of July weekend. I loved her very much, but sometimes love is not enough to keep two people together.

Our relationship was not perfect. I was not perfect, and neither was she. My friends and family described the relationship as toxic, and, last week, I decided that it needed to end. The only reason that I am sharing any of this private information with you is because my ex has decided to vilify me publicly by presenting photos of a terrible accident that happened more than a year and a half ago without telling you the whole story. This is a hard truth to share, but I’ve taken responsibility for my part.

One night in December 2021, after a series of bad choices by both of us, fueled in part by alcohol, she began to hit me with a full can of beer in the face and eyes while I was driving. Unfortunately, this was not the first time I had to protect myself from her assaults. As she escalated the situation, I stopped the truck and forced her to get out. While driving away, I unknowingly ran over her with the back wheel. I had no reason to think she was under my truck, and I left without realizing that she had been injured.

While her injuries from the accident were significant, they were made exponentially worse by an infection caused by the IV at the hospital. For example, the gruesome images of her arm that she published where you can see what looks like bone was the result of an emergency surgery to get rid of her staph infection. I know all of this, because as soon as I learned she was injured, I went to the hospital that night. I was right there beside her for several weeks while she recovered in the hospital and then after she was discharged, I helped her recuperate at home.

Despite the fact that she told law enforcement, friends and family that she didn’t want to press charges, and that this was all an accident, I turned myself into the authorities in March 2022 as required by a state law.

I pled guilty to a misdemeanor for negligent vehicular injury and, after serving three days in jail for that misdemeanor, I was sentenced to probation. Since then, I have continued to perform the community service required by the court.

State law also required a restraining order to be put in place. But, as you can see in the court document posted above, she made it clear that she believed this matter was an accident, that our relationship was “stronger since the incident,” and asked for it to be removed (which it was).

For the past year and a half, we have made several attempts to restore our relationship and rediscover the good things that brought us together years ago. We’ve had some successes but also many failures, and it was clear to me that we just cannot be together. Within hours of me taking the final items I had at the home we shared, she posted photos of her time in the hospital in a deliberately misleading way.

I take full responsibility for my actions that night in 2021 and, since then, I have fully complied with the authorities. I don’t believe that night is indicative of who I am or the man I have tried to be since. But, given that a skewed and weaponized version of events is now being put out to the world, I felt it was important to share these additional facts.”