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Jake Pelzl: "This year is going to be huge for Defiler"

We recently spoke with Jake from Defiler who gave us an update on the future of the band and details about the upcoming record.

What all has happened since putting out Nematocera?

A lot of ups and downs, but thankfully mostly ups. Playing in a number of different regions around the world, which began a few months after we dropped that album, has definitely made everything worth it

What's your current label situation?

This is tricky, because legally I'm not allowed to say much at all. For the sake of this interview, we were working with a new label, and because of a huge variety of shitty circumstances, it didn't work out. And I'm actually at a point where I'm glad that it didn't.

Was there ever a time as a band where you guys were thinking of breaking up over all this? Like that it was going to be an insurmountable obstacle? And where did you find the inspiration to continue on?

Not really. I mean, there's been brief instances where I've felt that pursuing music is ultimately pointless, because I consider myself a fairly logical person. But I am blessed with a wonderful support system of friends and family that kick my ass back to reality whenever my attitude gets a little too pessimistic. My inspiration to stay resilient comes from me thinking back to all of the interactions I've had with kids on tour, or anyone who's ever reached out to say that my music has helped them in any way. That's what it's about, for me at least.

Will there be more video game references on the new record?

Haha! There will be very few, but anyone who knows me will catch them immediately.

As a whole, what does this album look like lyrically?

Actually, this one is a concept album. I kind of built a whole world with different characters and lots of crazy stuff. I even started writing a short story to accompany the album.

Is there something on this record that you guys tried that you haven’t on past records?

That's the big one. This album, as a whole, doesn't really sound like "us" I suppose. There's way more singing, lots of synth arrangements, extra percussion, everything's sounding huge, man.

Any guest vocalists planned?

I have one friend in mind that I'd love to play one of the characters in the story, but logistically that might not be feasible. Still trying to flesh out some ideas.
Do you ever regret writing Cryomancer?

Not a day in my life. As hilarious as it may be to me now, that song basically gave me all the experiences I've been fortunate enough to have. I couldn't be thankful enough.

If you could join any band on tour now, who would it be? Why?

I will always say Slipknot. I actually reached out to their management when I heard about Joey, but since nobody knows I actually play drums, it wasn't very realistic for that one to work out. Always here if ya need me though, guys! ;)

Has anyone in your life disliked metal, and told you that they wished you'd do something different or more mellow with your voice?

Most of my close family actually. That wasn't what influenced my decision to take the music in a different direction, but yeah. I hear that on an almost daily basis. It doesn't bother me, though. I do what I do, and if you're with me, you'll accept it.

Do you think Mike Tyson is fan of Black Sabbath?

Sack Blabbath and the Amish Spelunkers of Doom

What dreams do you still have? Is there an unfulfilled goal you’re still reaching for?

In the grand scheme of what I plan on accomplishing, I haven't even scratched the surface. I've got a long way to go, and I have no plans of stopping.

What I can say is, there is music coming. We'll be recording pretty soon, actually. But nobody is going to expect what we're doing. I can't give too much away, but "Defiler" as everyone knows it is... changing. This year is going to be huge.