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Interview: Lydia Night of The Regrettes

Photo By: Jen Rosenstein 

I'm always a fan of bands who can say something with their music; when they have vibes that will connect with me and how I feel. One band in particular, The Regrettes, fit that description better than any I've heard lately. They hone in issues they've experienced and the music emphasizes their angst and frustration, but also draws the listener in with the nostalgic melodies. That's why I wanted to call Lydia Night, The Regrettes frontwoman. At a young age, Lydia is proving a musical force in the world and what she had to say was insightful and much like her music- honest. 

Nicky: Let's start by introducing people to your band. How would you describe your vibe and sound for people who haven't heard The Regrettes before?

Lydia I would say our music is punk, but with a retro vibe. We are just really honest with our music. Definitely honest.

N: I definitely have to agree with the honest part. Your lyrics are great social commentary, which are only enhanced by the visuals in your music videos. What made you want to go in that direction with your music?

L: I didn't really think about what direction I wanted to go necessarily. I just started writing about what I experienced and what I had gone through in high school. Like, all the things I didn't notice when I was in middle school and the things I became aware of when I started high school. 

N: Well, it definitely shows. And you have a new album coming out! Congratulations on signing on to Warner Bros. Records! What made you guys want to sign with them?

L: Well our manager was friends with a producer who works at WBR and she asked him to listen to some demos we had. He invited us to record in the studio at the label and we were signed by January 13th. That's why our album comes out on the 13th. It's the one year anniversary since we were signed. 

N: Do you ever feel like your age or gender seem to inhibit the way people interact with you in the industry or are you finding just the opposite?

L: I definitely have become more aware of that. I experience at venues especially. But what I liked about WBR is I felt like I was treated as an equal and that I really mattered. They really care about their artists. 

N: You definitely seem to touch on some of those issues in your music. Specifically, the song "Seashore" comes to mind. It's been describe as a "feminist anthem" and I have to agree! I love it. And the dedication to Donald Trump was gold. Was the 2016 election an inspiration for your music?

L: It really wasn't until that night. I was like "I could be watching history" and then to see the election turn out the way it did, I was really upset. 


N: Well you got your feelings out there in a really great way. "Seashore" connected with me and especially my feelings about the election. I feel like your music connects with people on a real level. I'm excited for your new album, 'Feel Your Feelings Fool' to come out in January! What can we expect with that?

L: I'm so excited for it. It's going to be a variety of things and it's just going to be great. I'm really excited about it and can't wait for people to hear it and get it out there.

N: Speaking of getting your music out there, I see you have some California dates coming up for tour. Any chance of touring nationally? Any specific goals for 2017?

L: We definitely want to tour around the country. I think we just want to get out there more and introduce more people to our music. 

If you want to check out The Regrettes, you can see them on their California dates:

Fri/Nov-11 San Diego, CA - North Park Observatory
Tue/Nov-15 San Francisco, CA - The Independent

Wed/Nov-16 San Francisco, CA - The Independent
Fri/Nov-18 Portland, OR - Wonder Ballroom
Sat/Nov-19 Seattle, WA - Neumos

Be sure to keep an eye out for their highly anticipated debut album, Feel Your Feelings Fool, coming out 1/13/2017 from Warner Bros. Records. The Regrettes are definitely an act to give your ears and attention to. A huge thank you to Lydia for taking the time to speak with me. I know I am looking forward to the future of this band. 

Connect with The Regrettes on Facebook or visit them on their website. Also, check out their live video of "Hot" on YouTube.