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Interview: Dozer TX

Dozer TX is a four piece aggressive, pop-punk band releasing their sophomore EP Centerpiece on March 10th. This EP is set to hone in on the touchy subjects we don't always want to talk about, mental illness and toxic relationships, letting their listeners know that they are not alone. We caught up with Dozer TX to ask them some questions about their upcoming EP and growth as a band, check out what they have to say below!

What have you learned from your past musical endeavors that you can channel into Dozer TX?
From 2011 to 2012, I moved to PA to join the band Handguns. After going on a few tours I decided to leave the band. I moved home and got a real job and started to hate it. I realized I needed to make music again. Being in that band made me realize dozer could be possible and it drives me everyday to do better than I did before but do it my own way.

Your sophomore EP Centerpiece is set to release March 10th, what can fans expect from Centerpiece that might be a bit different than your first release?
In my opinion it’s a little bit more put together. The first EP was pretty much just a bunch of old songs I’d written. This EP was more of a collective process. We wrote these songs together and I feel like they’re more “us”

The new EP deals a lot with some emotionally heavy songs regarding mental illness and toxic relationships, what (if any) difficulties came along with writing those songs?
These songs actually came out very organically. Our songs are based off things that happen to us so it’s more of less a release to write it down and get them out. Sometimes these songs bring back memories for us that we’d rather forget but that’s what makes them so good for us. We shouldn’t forget the bad things, we should learn from them.

Following up, what do you hope fans can take from Centerpiece?
Don’t be afraid to talk about your issues with someone else. It helps to get things off your chest. Don’t be afraid to cut out toxic people or things from your life.

What are you hoping to accomplish in 2017? What do you already have in the works for this year?
We really just want to tour and play as many shows as possible in as many places as possible. We can’t wait to share Centerpiece with everyone!

Check out "Fixated" off of their upcoming release Centerpiece below!