Guest Blog: Jake Shaw's (Defiler) Top Albums of 2020
Jake Shaw from Defiler has shared his Top Albums of 2020 with us. Check out his list below!
Bring Me The Horizon (Post Human: Survival Horror)
We’ve been getting these new BMTH singles for awhile now, and this is probably the only band in recent memory that I consistently love more and more with each release. Over the last few years, BMTH has slowly been carving out a sound of their own, and the current iteration of the band is something I can see headlining all of the biggest festivals for years to come.
Emmure (Hindsight)
I feel like this album was forgotten about fairly quickly, which is criminal considering how great it is. To me, this album sounds like the heaviest parts of Issues by Korn and 3 Dollar Bill cranked up to 11, and anyone who knows me personally knows that I’ve been an unapologetic nü metal stan since day one. Tracks like FUN, Thunder Mouth and Persona Non Grata are first up on my bench press playlist whenever I get healthy again.
Vinnie Paz (As Above So Below)
I found Vinnie’s music at a very pivotal time in my life, and I think what I value from him over other MC’s is his honesty. “Spilled Milk” reminds me of a lot of the things I felt when I lost my father, and after losing quite a few loved ones in the last few years, songs like these become much more important to me, and I’m not sure where I’d be without them to aid me in my catharsis.
Suicide Silence (Become The Hunter)
I’ve been riding for these dudes since day one (MySpace to be exact), and hearing their evolution as a band has been very exciting. Ever since hearing the melodeath riff in Destruction of a Statue, I knew this band could write killer melodic hooks if done properly, and “Skin Tight” is my favorite SS song since Sacred Words. Also, Mark is hot.
The Weeknd (After Hours)
Obviously there’s always a ton of great pop records out every year, but this one stood out immediately - born a sucker for shimmering 80’s textures, the modern twist on that sound was really cranked to 11 here, and I thought the execution was perfect. “Alone Again” and “Heartless” are standouts, & the video for “Blinding Lights” brings a genuine smile to my face.
Tallah (Matriophagy)
I randomly came across “Placenta” awhile back (when gyms were still open), and I was knocked on my ass by how pissed off it sounded. I think I might’ve hit a deadlift record while that song was playing. In doing more research about them, I found a video of their vocalist covering Cryomancer. So shoutout to Tallah, you guys are absolutely killing it, and we should definitely rip a tour together when touring never comes back.
Ozzy Osborne (Ordinary Man)
Some of the songs on this Ozzy release are absolutely killer - and I’m actually surprised that one of my favorites is a duet with Elton John. I’m not a typical Ozzy fan - being younger, my introduction to Ozzy was Down to Earth, and the main riff in “Gets Me Through” almost counts as a legit breakdown. So I really enjoy a lot of Ozzy’s later stuff (obviously also loving the old stuff), and I think it’s incredible that he’s still making albums at all, and I can’t wait to hear what he’s got coming next.
System of a Down (Protect The Land/Genocidal Humanoidz)
This one is pretty much obligatory. The first new SOAD music in like 13 years, and this band was among the first 5-ish bands I ever discovered in my life that would shape me into who I am today. When Mesmerize/Hypnotize came out, I would throw my Walkman on and stroll around town on warm summer nights, and I’ve got strong nostalgia for everything they’ve ever released. I almost pooped a little when I saw these songs came out, and they’re everything I expected them to be.
Trivium (What The Dead Men Say)
See what we do round these parts is support our friends. Mr. Heafy has been so incredibly kind to me, and what’s funny is we actually got acquainted with the Trivium crew through one of them making fun of Cryomancer.
The Ghost Inside (Self-Titled)
This is obligatory and anyone who left this off of their list is shot. With the ring of the very first note on the album, a tear rolled down my face. I’m not kidding - I’ve played with the guys a few times, but they were one of the bands that played the first real “show” I ever attended as a kid with some friends.
This band has always meant an incredible amount to me, especially because next to Hatebreed, they’re one of the few bands I’ve connected with who’s songs are build around positive reinforcement as opposed to negative. Speaking for the album, the entire thing is great. Not one single song is out of place or unnecessary, and this band is a huge part of why I will likely go postal if live music doesn’t return soon.
This one was a grower. A few of my friends ranted and raved about it, so I checked it out and thought a few songs were pretty cool. But after a few listens, I made it through to the title track and was hooked. Before I got sick, that song became my new heavy lifting jam. I highly recommend checking this one out, and I think this band is gonna keep doing really cool shit.
As for an update on my situation, I’m happy to report that my pancreas has begun healing as of my last results, but I’m nowhere near out of the woods yet. I’m still sick often because my endocrine system can’t fight anything anymore, and it’s still an uphill battle. I did feel better for a brief time, during which we scrambled to shoot some video content, and new music will be out very soon.
I appreciate everyone that’s reached out or helped in any other way, and I feel very fortunate to have so many kickass people in my life. I can’t wait to see you all out there again someday, hopefully sooner than later.