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Career Spotlight: Chris Bianchi (CB Entertainment)

CB Entertainment was founded in early 2010 by musicians for musicians. They offer artists a unique hands on approach in every aspect of developing and expanding their careers. From booking shows to label shopping and everything in between. With over 10 years of hands on experience in the ever changing industry their team has the drive and determination unlike any other to help make your dreams a reality.

Tell us a little about yourself and your experience.

Hello! My name is Chris Bianchi. I'm a Musician, Artist Manager and Entrepreneur in numerous other ventures. I'm 27 years old and happily married to my lovely wife Kayla.

I got into the local scene around the age of 15 with my middle school friends. I played in a few bands and booked a TON of shows in our teenage years all over the state of Ohio. In High School at the age of 17 my band Forever In Terror was fortunate enough to sign a worldwide record deal with Metal Blade Records. We were one of the youngest bands ever to sign with the label or any metal label at that time.

 The day we graduated, Our album came out in stores worldwide (when they actually still carried more music) We then embarked non-stop touring the entire United States and Canada over the next few years. After more touring and releasing another album, performing began to take a back seat as the business side started to take more of my time. Being on tour I was seeing/hearing so many talented artists all over the United States that I wanted to help them continue growing! I kept in touch with tons of artists and kind of went from there if I loved the music and we meshed well.

In early 2010 we launched our firm CB Entertainment. This was founded as a hub for artists of all styles and sizes to grow from and with. Initially starting with booking local and then national shows. After the booking began to take off we slowly expanded into helping artists develop.

After non-stop dedication things started to grow and eventually we started having record deals come in for some of our artists. Six deals later and having artists play Festivals such as Vans Warped Tour and Mayhem Festival and we could not be more proud! 

Then close to two years ago I stepped in to join the team at Mercenary Management in Los Angeles where we represent some of the top artists in Hard Rock and Heavy Metal such as: Black Veil Brides, Zakk Wylde, Black Label Society, Butcher Babies, Goatwhore, The Casualties, Soilent Green.

This brings me to now. Still doing what I love and planning on never stopping.

What drove you to choose your career path?

I was born and raised listening to all styles of music. From classic rock to heavy metal it inspired me throughout my entire childhood. By the age of 3 I had a drum set and a guitar. I watched a Bon Jovi music video once when I was 4 and smashed the guitar on the refrigerator because that's what "he did in the video" and I wanted to be a rockstar. After joining bands and moving into touring, having all of my families support to follow my dream was a major driving force. They inspired me to go for it.  I've just never stopped since and it's literally all I know.

How did you go about getting your job? What kind of education and experience did you need?

There is no real way that I've ever known to land an Artist Management job. Some get a start as intern, some go to a school like MI which I'm sure helps. However, for myself I literally figured it out hands on. By living it. Being in a touring band, sleeping in a van for years traveling, learning how labels work, tours work, agents work. Also about how important it is to build solid relationships and to grow them any way possible.

I still pay close attention to the people I look up to and ask as many questions as I can. Fortunately enough I work with an amazing team who continues to help me learn.

What do you actually spend the majority of your time doing?

The artist management perspective is an extremely strong relationship and planning game. I spend a vast amount of time communicating between my artists and the agents, labels, publicists, endorsements and things of the like on top of that just the planning of everyone's scheduling and then keeping it moving on track as needed. Strong multi-tasking skills are a must!

What misconceptions do people often have about your job?

This is not just a "job" the way I see it. This has to become a true lifestyle in order to stay afloat in this business. Also in order to keep sane. If you are not in with the movement- you are out quicker then you can blink and things happen so quickly. I believe a HUGE misconception people have is that it's anywhere near EASY to help develop and manage a band. To take them from a smaller scale to a bigger platform with everything that goes into it. Personally it's like being a business owner, best friend, dad and psychiatrist all mixed and wrapped up into one fast ride!

What are your average work hours?

Literally 24 hours a day. All day. Every day. Now while there are times where we might be doing a multitude of other things at the same time (cooking dinner, spending time with my wife,etc) it still all revolves about being available for my artists or anyone else that needs to reach me at all times.

What personal tips and shortcuts have made your job easier?

Personal tips would be to work hard, make smart and calculated moves, make friends not enemies.

Shortcuts- Utilize platforms to help assist you with keeping up on Social Media. Build yourself a system based on the way you work so when it comes time to plan you have a general template to follow of what works and what didn't work in the past.

What do you do differently from your coworkers or peers in the same profession?

I take pride in really connecting on a personal level with all of my artists. Working strongly to build our relationship up. I like to consider myself a ghost member of the bands. Just because I'm not "physically" there doesn't mean my soul isn't with each artist at every show.

 When things are good we experience them together-same with the bad times. Being in a musician and manager position I'm able to truly connect with the issues these bands face on a daily basis out on the road. I can also share my experiences or tricks I've learned to help them avoid the mistakes I might have made. I think it makes me stand out because although I have to handle the business and crack down when things need be they can still relate with me as a friend and that goes a long way.

Do you have any advice for people who need to enlist your services?

Yes! You can always submit music our way. Just visit our website or for established artists

Be sure to include an EPK.

What's the worst part of the job and how do you deal with it?

I'm not one for complaining. No time for it. The worst part is always when things get cancelled or do not go anywhere near as planned. It's just the nature of the beast that not everything goes as planned. The thing I take pride in is having that quick ability to bounce back, correct the problems and continue moving forward without blinking an eye. That is the only way to survive out here!

What's the most enjoyable part of the job?

For me by far besides the music itself and hearing it come to life, would be seeing fans truly connect with an artist on any level. To see it mean something to someone like it does to us is priceless. Also it really feels great to see an artist have a worldwide label release. After all the planning, changes, struggles and hard work you can finally take a breath and say "We did it!"  It's a proud "parent" moment haha.

What kind of money can one expect to make at your job?

You can become rich and famous...duh! haha.

Honestly, my saying and personal belief is this. "The amount of money you make, is up to you" Reason being...If you work hard and make things continue to flourish for your business and clients. Then you are paid for it. The harder you work-The more you can earn. That is the exciting thing about this career choice. It's taking a shot in the dark with the hopes the world believes in the music and art just as much as you do. Sometimes it does amazing. Other times it does not. It's all about being creative and figuring out other ways to continue earning, selling and growing.

How do you move up in your field?

Hard work and literally non-stop dedication. Mix that with who you know, being passionate and showing a track record for growth with your artists or ventures of course proves a lot!

What advice would you give to those aspiring to join your profession?

Good luck! I would say to research as much as possible. Find out what worked for others in the past and what did not. Perhaps find a mentor or someone who can guide you to get started. You must be a VERY strong minded person as well as passionate all the time about what you do. If you truly want anything in this world, then go for it and never look back.