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BUTTING HEADS: "Exploring Hardcore"

Welcome to Butting Heads- a brand new weekly series where two of our writers get together and discuss a topic. This week, Sam and Nicky are exploring the world of hardcore music. Neither of them are experts on the subject, but still have varying opinions. They created a list of songs to listen to and give their opinions. So take a listen and see what they each had to say! 

How much exposure do you have to hardcore music?

S: I'm definitely no expert by any means, but I really love hardcore music. Over the last three years I've really started immersing myself into hardcore and I've loved just about everything I've come in contact with thus far. Some of my favorites are Harms Way, Incendiary, Weekend Nachos, Expire, Full of Hell.

N: I know some about metal- moreso the classic metal. But I don't usually go out of my way to listen to it. When I feel like listening to it, it's to get pumped up or when I'm exercising. Perfect workout music!

Have you ever been to a hardcore show?

S: For sure. I try to make it out to as many as I can in the area, both local and touring. I also did This Is Hardcore in 2014 which was a pretty sweet experience. I've travelled about for a few shows and it's always really cool to see how each community is. I really enjoyed Philadelphia's hardcore scene.

N: YES. And I hate mosh pits. Mostly because I have my camera with me to shoot and people don't care. 

What are your thoughts on the following songs: 

Incendiary: "Survival":

S: This song gets me hyped more than I think anything else in my life ever has. I'm a big fan of NY style hardcore and the yell-scream. It's pissed off but not in the typical, in-your-face way and I love it. Then when the second vocalist (vocalist of Dead End Path) comes in and punches you in the face and they end the song with "I'll watch you fail every chance I fucking get?" I'm sold.

N: This isn't too bad. I actually preferred it before the second vocalist came in. I could still see myself pumping iron to this. 

Harm's Way: "Breeding Grounds":

S: Ugh, they're so angry and I love them for it. His vocals are intimidating and so low, even if they wrote songs about butterflies I would imagine I'd still be pissed off when I listen to them. God, when "people are of no value" is done being said I immediately want to dive head first into an angry mob. This is definitely one of my favorite Harm's Way songs and easily my favorite hardcore band.

N:   Okay. I'm really trying- but what is he saying? I just don't get much from this song. 

Turnstile: "Gravity":

S: I know Turnstile is one of those bands that people love or hate, and I honestly think they're tight. This is fun and unlike any hardcore music I've heard before. It's got a fun 80's-90's R&B feel to it and that's a fusion I wouldn't expect, but it works for them. They're fun and very catchy.

N: This song had me from the beginning. Very nostalgic sound. I agree with Sam that this has an unexpected feeling. I only wish the vocals had come in sooner. I'm not one for really long intros. 

Punch: "Positively God Free":

S: A female fronted hardcore band automatically has my attention. Lyrically this song is really cool, she's rejecting the idea of religious beliefs and chooses to believe in herself and I back that. Sometimes the lyrics get lost in translation with how she screams, but I don't mind it much. I can dig it.

N: I am glad she's a woman in her genre. But I've heard better grunge vocals from other girls. I can't get behind the song. The music underneath isn't adding anything to help with the poor vocals. 

Now that you've listened to some songs in the genre, would you listen to more hardcore music?

S: I'm a pretty regular listener now, so I'll definitely to do so! I'm by far no expert, so I'm always willing to check out more artists!

N: I'm not necessarily a fan of the genre, but I'm not anti. I'm probably picky when it comes to this stuff, but I won't turn my nose up at it. 

Well that's all for this week's Butting Heads! If you want to listen to more, we have a whole playlist on YouTube! Let us know your thoughts and give us some suggestions on acts we don't have on our playlist!